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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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One Nation’s Vision Promises Growth and Prosperity for a Secure Future

One Nation’s Vision Promises Growth and Prosperity for a Secure Future

Inflation, unemployment, mortgages, rents, and the cost of living—including energy and grocery prices—are all on the rise. One Nation policies promise growth and prosperity for everyone, ensuring a secure future. Transcript The…

Digital ID Repeal & COVID Response Commission Bills Introduced

It's been a big week for cross-party collaboration on issues we've been strong on from the very start. Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024 I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick,…
The Threat From Lab-Grown Meat is Lost on FSANZ

The Threat From Lab-Grown Meat is Lost on FSANZ

I have asked, over multiple estimate sessions, about the approval process for lab-grown meat. While I acknowledge and understand Food Standard Australia New Zealand's (FSANZ) need to take their time with this decision, the process seems more…
Wetlands Bulldozed: Coomera Connector 2 Environmental Application Expected Soon

Wetlands Bulldozed: Coomera Connector 2 Environmental Application Expected Soon

I've been closely watching the progress of the Coomera Connector Stage 2 project between the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Original proposals included plans to completely bulldoze sensitive wetlands that were brought to my attention by community…
Port of Gladstone Key to Inland Rail’s Success

Port of Gladstone Key to Inland Rail’s Success

Inland Rail is a multi-billion dollar project aimed at extending the existing inland railway line that currently runs between Melbourne and Parkes, and up to Brisbane.  This will be a combination of existing and new sections of rail.  The…
Chris Bowen Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on Nuclear

Chris Bowen Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on Nuclear

The media, Labor, Greens and lobby groups are scared of Nuclear power because it threatens the massive subsidies wind and solar billionaires like Mike Cannon-Brookes, Simon Holmes à Court and Twiggy Forrest are getting from Australians. With…
Government Can’t Prove What Their Climate Change Policies Actually Do!

Government Can’t Prove What Their Climate Change Policies Actually Do!

An independent audit office found that the Government's Climate Change Department can't prove how much by, or even if, their policies are affecting the climate. In my opinion, it's all a scam designed to transfer money out of the pockets…

The Triad of Tyranny is About Control

I've just co-sponsored a Bill to repeal the Digital ID Bill passed by the government. This is why it is so essential to get rid of this dictatorship tool.
Billions Spent and “Closing the Gap” Remains. Why?

Billions Spent and “Closing the Gap” Remains. Why?

At the recent Senate Estimates, I asked Senator McCarthy about her knowledge of the extensive achievements of Indigenous peoples, to which she affirmed her awareness. However, she was unable to explain why the gap remained despite the billions…
ABS Data Important for Evaluating COVID Response

ABS Data Important for Evaluating COVID Response

I don't speak the bureaucratic jargon used in Canberra, so sometimes the bureaucrats struggle to grasp a straightforward question in plain English. It took some time for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to understand my question, which…