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Small Businesses Ripped Off by Loan Sharks

Small Businesses Ripped Off by Loan Sharks

Reports indicate loan sharks are ripping off small businesses, charging them up to 140% interest on loans through a number of loopholes on our regulations. The contracts are often impossible to understand and leave mum and dad shops struggling…
Government Doesn’t Care if Subcontractors are Ripped Off!

Government Doesn’t Care if Subcontractors are Ripped Off!

It appears the government takes the position that if a subcontractor gets ripped off by a company engaged by a government agency, it's not their problem. I've been asking the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) about…
Yoga Teachers Prioritised Over Tradies for Immigration Flood

Yoga Teachers Prioritised Over Tradies for Immigration Flood

With 520,000 net arrivals in one year, we're now being told that yoga teachers will be prioritised over tradies to be let in the country. Despite telling Australians immigration is necessary for skilled workers to build homes, the truth…
Who Will Hold the Department of Defence Accountable?

Who Will Hold the Department of Defence Accountable?

I asked the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) about some decisions from Defence that I believe warrant investigation. I was under the impression that the IGADF would have some jurisdiction over complaints if Defence…
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority Faces Scrutiny

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority Faces Scrutiny

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent industry-funded agency, handles complaints concerning financial losses due to actions by banks, insurance companies, or superannuation funds. While AFCA has a reputation for…
Retiring Defence Chief Campbell Leaves Military in a Mess

Retiring Defence Chief Campbell Leaves Military in a Mess

General Angus Campbell will retire as Chief of the Defence Force in just a month, leaving behind a mess of morale and military disasters.  Under his watch our special forces have been decimated, morale has been destroyed, the navy is…
Minister Butler Remains a Puppet for WHO

Minister Butler Remains a Puppet for WHO

Last week (May 27 to June 1, 2024), the World Health Assembly (WHA77) of the World Health Organisation (WHO) debated two matters. The first was a new Pandemic Treaty designed to expand the powers of the WHO beyond pandemics, to include any…
Turbo-Migration Turbocharges the Housing Crisis

Turbo-Migration Turbocharges the Housing Crisis

The government is in complete denial that migration has fuelled the housing crisis, keeping Australians out of affordable houses. 518,000 net overseas migrants arrived to Australia in the 2022-23 financial year. In October 2022, the government…
Natural Cyclical Events Impact More Than Human Activity

Natural Cyclical Events Impact More Than Human Activity

Recently, I spoke in the Senate regarding the impact of this summer's flooding on the coral reef. Coral polyps are saltwater creatures. When floodwaters impact the reef, it introduces fresh water, cold temperatures and sediment, all of which…
The Gender Pay Gap is a Myth – Only Exists in DODGY Statistics

The Gender Pay Gap is a Myth – Only Exists in DODGY Statistics

I questioned the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) about their claims that almost every company in Australia is paying women less than men. Their data doesn't compare how much a man and a woman working the same job at the same company…