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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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.5 Million EV Chargers Installed at Parliament House, Serving Just 2.8% of Vehicles

$2.5 Million EV Chargers Installed at Parliament House, Serving Just 2.8% of Vehicles

The woke and under-fire boss of Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) has installed 58 electric vehicle chargers at Parliament House, using $2.5 million of your money. This is despite only 2.8% of the vehicles in Canberra (the wokest city…
CASA Accountability Continues to Crash Land

CASA Accountability Continues to Crash Land

For years, I've been trying to get the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to admit responsibility for allowing vaccine mandates on pilots, and the risk of injury that comes with that. I've been shocked at how evasive, argumentative and…
Labour Hire Scams and Union Corruption

Labour Hire Scams and Union Corruption

During my questioning of the Fair Work Commission, I highlighted the fact that when Coal LSL included casual coal miners, it opened the door to labour hire scams and in collusion with the corrupt CFMEU, cost individual miners up to $40,000…
Rampant NDIS Fraud Leaves Vulnerable Recipients in Need

Rampant NDIS Fraud Leaves Vulnerable Recipients in Need

My questions to the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commissioner was primarily about the quality and safety issues that render the system inefficient and hazardous.  It became evident that fraud was rampant, leading to significant financial…
Government Guaranteed Mortgages Not Under Stress!

Government Guaranteed Mortgages Not Under Stress!

Since 2020, the government has guaranteed mortgages with only a 5% deposit.  Given 150,000 Australians were unable to afford a 20% deposit, I was concerned many of them may have been hit especially hard by the RBA's interest rate rises.…
Labor’s Destruction of Democracy

Labor’s Destruction of Democracy

The disrespect by Labor towards the Senate Estimates process is reprehensible, especially for a government elected on promises to be 'transparent and accountable'. As a representative of the people of Queensland and Australia, it's my duty…

Andrew Bogut’s In Conversation Series

I joined Andrew Bogut in his studio on the Gold Coast for a very enjoyable conversation. Listen for free!…

Kingaroy – Voice Your Concerns on Renewable Energy and More!

Adam Maslen, our state candidate for the seat of Nanango, will be joining me in Kingaroy. This is your opportunity to ask questions and learn about his plans as your state representative in the Queensland Parliament. We will discuss the…

The Scandal of the 3G Mobile Shutdown

For large swathes of Australia the countdown is on to lose almost all mobile phone coverage – and just about no-one in Canberra seems to care. Most people ‘enjoy’ solid 4G and even 5G signal in the major cities and towns, but once…
Millions of Dollars Flow from Coal Company to Union to the Labor Party

Millions of Dollars Flow from Coal Company to Union to the Labor Party

There's a lot of shady money flowing around our elections. One example is the weird case of nearly $50 million dollars flowing from coal mining company Glencore eventually making its way to the Labor party that wants to shut them down. Nearly…