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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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 Billion Deficit Understatement Amid Improbable Cost Assumptions

$50 Billion Deficit Understatement Amid Improbable Cost Assumptions

The cost of running the Federal Government is an important issue for One Nation. We believe that a smaller government is better and strongly advocate for reducing its size to align with the constitution. I'm an avid reader of the budget…
Let’s Have More Transparency

Let’s Have More Transparency

The purpose of this Bill is to abolish the current Administrative Appeals Tribunal and establish a new tribunal with improved criteria for member appointments, ensuring a transparent process. Under the new system, positions would be advertised…
Labor Fiddles Around the Edges With its Election Budget

Labor Fiddles Around the Edges With its Election Budget

In trying to please everyone, the Treasurer's third budget will please nobody. Treasurer Jim Chalmers' third budget fails to deliver affordable houses, cheaper power bills and groceries, and any hope for the future. That's what a good budget…
The Modern Slavery Bill

The Modern Slavery Bill

I support this Modern Slavery Bill because slavery is repugnant to me and to Australians across our country. It’s inhuman. While this bill is a positive step, it is not as strong as my Child Labour Bill, which has been introduced to the…
Budget Predictions

Budget Predictions

The Treasurer handed down his third budget tonight (14/05/2024). These were my predictions earlier today in the Senate. What do you think of what he has handed down? Transcript As Treasurer Jim Chalmers…
Labor’s Guide on How to Avoid Answering Questions in Senate Estimates

Labor’s Guide on How to Avoid Answering Questions in Senate Estimates

Labor has been caught red-handed with a cheat sheet to circumvent democracy. The media has received a leaked copy of a manual from the office of the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. This clearly shows more damning evidence that Labor is seeking…
This is What an Actual Vision for Australia Looks Like

This is What an Actual Vision for Australia Looks Like

What happened to having vision for the future in this country? You won't get it from the Liberal and Labor Uni-party whilst they're beholden to their donors. Check out One Nation's breakdown of the budget and how we would return Australia…
Gloves Are Coming Off Against Populist Leaders

Gloves Are Coming Off Against Populist Leaders

On 15 May the Slovakian Prime Minister, Robert Fico, was shot in an attempted assassination. Thankfully he's out of surgery and no longer in a critical condition. On behalf of One Nation, I send our prayers for his continued speedy recovery.…
Another Non Answer from Labor

Another Non Answer from Labor: High Immigration = Housing Crisis

Queensland residents can't find a home because there are simply more people than homes. Our hospitals are ramping because there are too many patients and not enough healthcare staff, and the number of kids in Queensland classrooms are rising…
A Chat with Emeritus Professor Reuben Rose | Sons of Issachar

A Chat with Emeritus Professor Reuben Rose | Sons of Issachar

As a Scientist and former vet school Dean, Professor Rose became concerned that critical information about SARs-CoV2 virus and COVID-19 vaccines was not being reported by mainstream media. We discussed how the world and particularly Australia…