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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Government to Investigate Biggest Wage Theft in the Coal Sector

Finally! After 5 plus years of calling out dodgy CFMEU union bosses, Labor and the Fair Work Commission, the Senate has backed my call for an investigation into the biggest wage theft in the coal sector. The industrial relations community…
It’s Time to Tax Multinationals

It’s Time to Tax Multinationals

, Transcript Why? That's one question that I want to ask repeatedly in this speech. I see the government's changes as a welcome step, but it's a tiny, tiny step and we need many, many more. It could be one…
COVID Royal Commission Now!

COVID Royal Commission Now!

It's time for a Royal Commission into COVID - as recommended by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry. Before the last federal election, Anthony Albanese promised to hold a Royal Commission into COVID, yet once elected…
The True Causes of Coral Bleaching

The True Causes of Coral Bleaching

When discussing coral bleaching, the assumption these days immediately defaults to blaming mythical "climate change" instead of looking for the real cause. There are many causes of bleaching, including changes in salinity, UV radiation,…

The Tyranny of a National Digital Identity

Regarding the government's not so voluntary National Digital Identity - you are not alone. We’ve been receiving many similar messages and emails from across Australia.  Three bills were rammed through the Senate, creating dangerous…

Maroochy River Farmers and Landowners Association

Last month, I joined numerous impassioned landowners from Maroochy River Farmers and Landowners Association, listening to their grievances about the Sunshine Coast Council's actions, which they argue are detrimental to the environment and are…
Public Hearing: Vaping Reforms Bill 2024

Public Hearing: Vaping Reforms Bill 2024

The Albanese government is legislating to prohibit vaping for recreational use, as an aid to quitting smoking and to sustain smoking cessation efforts. I've been receiving numerous messages from Australians who have successfully kicked the…

Senate Committee Calls for a Royal Commission into COVID

The final report from the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee regarding the Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission into the federal government's handling of COVID-19 has been released. This inquiry was initiated after the Senate…

Telstra 3G Backdown “Not Good Enough”

Telstra has announced it will delay shutting down its 3G network by two months, after public pressure and a looming Senate Inquiry was announced. I call on the Federal Communications Minister to intervene and cancel the shutdown. Telstra’s…