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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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How to Contact Your Federal Members of Parliament

How to Contact Your Federal Members of Parliament

Has anyone ever showed you how to find the contact details for your local Member of Parliament so you can tell them how you feel? Watch this to find out how anyone, anywhere in Australia can discover who their local MPs area and their contact…

Murders at Bondi Junction Were Preventable 

Joel Cauchi, who stabbed and killed six people and hospitalised another 12 people was a known mental health patient from Queensland.  With a long history of schizophrenia, Cauchi was living an itinerant lifestyle with deteriorating mental…
Disinformation From Labor on Nuclear Energy Costs

Disinformation From Labor on Nuclear Energy Costs

The Labor Albanese Government is destroying proven, low-cost coal power plants under the guise of "retiring them" and replacing this stable, secure, safe and affordable power with land-grabbing solar and wind installations which are proven…
Speaking in Support of Community TV

Speaking in Support of Community TV

Community TV provides a vital service to small business, to communities, and to developing future workers in the broader TV & Radio sector. It provides a training ground for emerging talent and provides programmes with heart. If it didn't…
Labor’s Failures in Immigration and Security

Labor’s Failures in Immigration and Security

The recent admission by Minister for Home Affairs, Clare O'Neil, that the Labor government has lost control of Australia's borders is deeply troubling. A government's primary responsibility is to ensure the security of its citizens and this…
Conflicts of Interest in War Crime Handling

Conflicts of Interest in War Crime Handling

Defence senior leadership has failed to hold any senior officers accountable, instead choosing to throw soldiers under the bus. Once again, we have secrecy and a lack of accountability from Defence and from this Labor government. Freedom…
The World Health Organisation is About to Act Illegally – Again

The World Health Organisation is About to Act Illegally – Again

At the end of May, at the annual World Health Assembly, the World Health Organization (WHO) votes on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Supported by Australia, the United States' proposal was for 80 pages of changes that…
Audit Needed on Closing the Gap Spending

Audit Needed on Closing the Gap Spending

I acknowledge the significant contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have made to Australia and highlighted the failure of the Closing the Gap initiative, with only 4 out of 17 targets being met, with some even worsening.…
3G Shutdown a Disaster for Australians

3G Shutdown a Disaster for Australians

The looming 3G shutdown is going to cut off millions of Australians. I'm asking the Senate to establish an inquiry and calling on the Telcos to stop their shutdown. Transcript (Click Here to expand) 3G…
One Nation is Proud to be a Populist Party

One Nation is Proud to be a Populist Party

Senator Hanson recently spoke about record immigration and the human catastrophe this is causing to everyday Australians. The Australian newspaper described her words as 'populist'. Among members of the news media, or commentariat, that label…