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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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My Article in the Spectator Australia: Digital ID Dystopia

"With the Digital ID Bill passing through the Senate, the bombardment of promotional material has begun - even ahead of the Lower House rubber stamping the Bill in May. Government services have moved to drown-out serious safety, privacy…

What’s Behind the Sovereign Citizen Movement? 

“Sovereign citizen” or “Freeman” are catchall terms referring to those who believe that by declaring themselves as “living people” or “natural people” they can break free from society’s contract with the corporate government.…
Happy Easter ✝️

Happy Easter ✝️

As we stand on the brink of unprecedented challenges, it's essential to reflect on the message of Easter. The world may be in turmoil, but we must continue to strive towards a future of peace, prosperity and community. The farewell discourse…
The Digital ID Will Change the Lives of Every Australian – For the Worse

The Digital ID Will Change the Lives of Every Australian – For the Worse

As much as the Government attempts to downplay the importance of introducing a single central digital identifier for all Australians, the truth is that this legislation is the most significant I've encountered during my time in the Senate.…
Climate: The Movie

Climate: The Movie

This Martin Durkin movie deserves your attention. Durkin also made 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' 17 years ago and faced significant backlash. Since then, there hasn't been a major production that questions the "climate science" or our…
Investigating the mRNA Mutant Crime Scene

Investigating the mRNA Mutant Crime Scene

I called on the Senate to support the inquiry into the federal COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims Scheme and restated my demand for the people of Australia to have their Royal Commission in COVID. Australians are dying at a far higher rate…
Give Australians a Say on Immigration

Give Australians a Say on Immigration

Australians have never been asked what they think is a fair amount of immigration. The Lib-Lab parties both advocate for high immigration and as there are many different issues that go towards deciding the party to vote for on polling day,…

Explicit Children’s Books Do Not Belong in Public Libraries

Every Australian child deserves to be protected from inappropriate reading material in taxpayer funded, public libraries. You have every right to have a say about what books are appropriate for your children, grandchildren, and students.  Sign…
Senate Hearing Into Bank Closures in Regional Australia

Senate Hearing Into Bank Closures in Regional Australia Transcript Senator ROBERTS: Thank you for attending today. My questions initially go to the Reserve Bank and, if there's time, to the ACCC. To the Reserve Bank, cash is…
Labor Abandons its Roots

Labor Abandons its Roots

The Labor Party's famed light on the hill is now nothing more than the sun reflecting off solar panels, which we know are expensive, short lived and an environmental disaster - just like the Albanese Labour government. In a recent article in…