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ABC Afternoon Briefing with Greg Jennett

How Banks are Forcing a Cashless Society & Digital ID: ABC Afternoon Briefing with Greg Jennett

I discussed with Greg Jennett the cash drought and the news that Armaguard is in financial trouble, which could have repercussions for cash. Armaguard is owned by transport magnate Lindsay Fox. His business…
Queensland Supreme Court Rules Against ‘Vaccine’ Mandates

Queensland Supreme Court Rules Against ‘Vaccine’ Mandates

Many Australians have lost trust in governments at both state and federal levels, and we've lost trust in health authorities. Last parliament the Select Committee on COVID-19 stated 'a royal commission be established to examine Australia's…
One for You, Two for the Tax Man

One for You, Two for the Tax Man

For every drink you get, the taxman takes two - and he wants to take more. It's just another tax that's out of control. One Nation believes that you should keep more money in your pocket rather than letting Canberra have it. https:…
Labor Threatens New Tax on Clothing

Labor Threatens New Tax on Clothing

I spoke to Alexandra Marshall of Spectator Australia on the outrageous tax that is being floated, which will impact those on smaller incomes and families. The Environment Minister, Tania Plibersek, has warned the fashion industry to turn…

WHO Implements Large-Scale Ivermectin-Based MDA

Remember when Ivermectin was called a horse paste and they said humans shouldn't even take it? Now the World Health Organisation is handing it out to a million humans. 🤷 Link to Article
Uncomfortable Net Zero Truth Bombs Dropped on the BBC

Uncomfortable Net Zero Truth Bombs Dropped on the BBC

Award-winning journalist & author, Peter Hitchens, exposes the Net Zero absurdity straight to the face of George Monbiot on BBC Question Time. "...we didn't just close down our coal fired power stations, we blew them up, we were so…
The Cost of Clawing Back NDIS Fraud

The Cost of Clawing Back NDIS Fraud

At the February Senate Estimates I asked the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) how much money has the NDIA been able to claw back through identified National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) fraud? Funding across 16 agencies, including…
Casual Wage Theft and the Fair Work Ombudsman

Casual Wage Theft and the Fair Work Ombudsman

Thousands of casual miners working in Central Queensland and the Hunter Valley are each owed, on average, around $33,000 per year in back pay, making them victims of Australia's largest wage theft. During my discussion with Ms. Booth and…
Bracket Creep is a Stealth Tax

Bracket Creep is a Stealth Tax

Both Labor and the Coalition voted to collect billions of extra income tax dollars because they need more money. Yet foreign multinational corporations in Australia are paying little or no company tax. Bracket creep is a secret tax that…
Casual Wage Theft Under Fair Work Commission’s Watch

Casual Wage Theft Under Fair Work Commission’s Watch

Thousands of "casual" miners in Central Queensland and the Hunter Valley are each owed an average of $33,000 per year in back pay for every year of service for wage theft. When inquiring with the Fair Work Commission about applying the…