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Professional Services Review Scheme Under Question

Professional Services Review Scheme Under Question

The Professional Services Review was created to review misconduct of health professionals in a Medicare context, commonly invoked where there are allegations of over-servicing or Medicare fraud. This Committee seems to be a law unto itself.…
Immigration Levels Still Too High

Immigration Levels Still Too High

Cheaper rents, cheaper houses and a lower cost of living are all possible, but not with the current immigration levels. There were 518,000 net overseas immigrants last financial year. 2.76 million visa holders are in the country and more…
One Nation Opposes Labor’s New Car Tax

One Nation Opposes Labor’s New Car Tax

This Labor Government is promising cost of living relief and tax cuts while it's actually increasing taxes. Already, this government wants to tax farmers off the land to make way for "FrankenFoods" — fake lab meat and bug protein. Recently…
ACCC Needs More Power Against Foreign Predatory Billionaires

ACCC Needs More Power Against Foreign Predatory Billionaires

I'm concerned about the increasing influence of large, predatory merchant banks on the Australian economy. You've heard the names mentioned — Blackrock, First State, State Street, Vanguard and Norges. While their shareholdings may be small,…
Encouraging Competition Among Unions Will Protect Workers

Encouraging Competition Among Unions Will Protect Workers

I spoke in support of Senator Lambie's Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2024. For context, I provided the senate chamber with the facts on Australia's largest wage theft. This casual labour…
Luxury EVs for ASEAN-Australia Summit a PR Stunt

Luxury EVs for ASEAN-Australia Summit a PR Stunt

In yet more wasteful virtue signalling, Labor is laying on an extra fleet of luxury EVs for the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit from 4th-6th March 2024 to shuttle the hundreds of delegates around Melbourne at the taxpayers expense. As much…
Traitor Former Politician MAY Still Have Access to Parliament House

Traitor Former Politician MAY Still Have Access to Parliament House

The Government has refused to confirm whether the former politician who sold out Australia to advance the interests of a foreign regime still has access to Parliament House. Former parliamentarians are automatically entitled to passes which…
Truth Wins: Vaccine Mandates Were Unlawful

Truth Wins: Vaccine Mandates Were Unlawful

I was disappointed in the Minister's response to my questions about the implications of the QLD Supreme Court judgement on the COVID 'vaccine' mandates. I expected more clarity and less deflection from the Minister. These decisions were made…
Government Doxxing Australian Companies Over Gender Pay

Government Doxxing Australian Companies Over Gender Pay

It's ironic that Labor can suddenly define what a woman is when they want to talk about a gender pay gap. By publicly sending out information on 5000 Australian companies and claiming they've failed to sufficiently pay women in comparison…
Is ACMA Biased Towards the Left?

Is ACMA Biased Towards the Left?

During recent Senate Estimates I checked with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) as to why it did not publicise complaints about the ABC, yet pushed out press releases for similar breaches by the Sky Network. I also…