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Labor Dashes Hopes for Murray Darling Basin Community

Labor Dashes Hopes for Murray Darling Basin Community

The Albanese Labor Government are shifting the goalposts on the Murray Darling Basin Plan. There's only 42GL left to complete the water acquisitions across the whole basin, so the pain is almost over and there's still the 450GL of water for…
Labor Proposes to Tax the Shirt off Your Back

Labor Proposes to Tax the Shirt off Your Back

During Question Time, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher twice failed to rule out adding a tax to clothing. This tax will be passed on to you and I at the checkout, making clothing more expensive and adding to the cost of living. The excuse…
Inquiry Into Wind and Solar Urgently Needed

Inquiry Into Wind and Solar Urgently Needed

During my recent visits to constituents across Queensland, there has been a consistent request for an inquiry into the wind and solar scam. Jobs are being destroyed and exported overseas where there's cheaper energy. Cheaper and reliable energy…

Conversation with Maria Zeee of the Alex Jones Show – InfoWars

I joined Maria Zeee for an early morning chat to discuss what's driving the ongoing de-industrialisation of western civilisation. It's not just about climate, it's about control of society and we are seeing this in Australia now. The…
PM Partying Instead of Running the Country

PM Partying Instead of Running the Country

I called out the Prime Minister's jet set lifestyle during parliament. Australians can see how out of touch and ineffective Anthony Albanese is as a leader. The Prime Minister has spent too much time rubbing shoulders with pop stars, sucking…
TGA and Pharmaceutical Interests Are Too Close

TGA and Pharmaceutical Interests Are Too Close

I questioned the Minister and the Senior Health Department Bureaucrats about the behaviour of former TGA head, Professor Skerritt, who spent 11 years in charge of the TGA before resigning last year and soon after accepted a position on the…
Pharma Exclusivity in TGA Processes a Barrier to Natural Products

Pharma Exclusivity in TGA Processes a Barrier to Natural Products

Before a drug or natural therapy can be approved by the "regulator" — the TGA — it must have a sponsor whose job is to pay the license fee, fill out the paperwork, and prepare safety and efficacy reports. These can be overseas because we…
Anti-depressants Highlight Failure of our Health Policy

Anti-depressants Highlight Failure of our Health Policy

Australia has the third highest rate of anti-depressant use in the western world. My question on the rate of anti-depressant use was clearly not one the Minister or the Department were expecting. To our health authorities, a positive outcome…
FSANZ Handling of Lab Grown Meat is a Concern

FSANZ Handling of Lab Grown Meat is a Concern

I asked questions about the progress of an application by Vow Food for lab-grown quail meat. This is a serious matter that will provide approval for an entirely new industry — an industry that is promoted as being environmentally friendly,…
The TGA are Administrators not Regulators

The TGA are Administrators not Regulators

Until a few years ago, new vaccines and drugs were required to have local safety testing and went through a process that took years. This ensured a high degree of safety. During the COVID period, the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA)…