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Slow Start on Classification System Inquiry

Slow Start on Classification System Inquiry

I have been asking questions about books like 'The Boys' and 'Welcome to Sex' that expose young children to adult sexual concepts and behaviours. Even worse these books do so in a way that encourages and normalises child sexual behaviour. The…
TGA is Rubber Stamping Approvals

TGA is Rubber Stamping Approvals

The Therapeutics Good Administration (TGA) has been established as an independent body to approve or reject applications for drugs, vaccines and medical devices. For many years, the TGA stood strong against pressure from the USA and pharmaceutical…
Steroid Testing of ADF Athletes

Steroid Testing of ADF Athletes

Some constituents raised some concerns about the steroid testing of Australian Defence Force athletes. At Senate Estimates I asked Sports Integrity Australia whether they have received any notifications from the ADF in relation to steroid…

Labor Abandons Miners

Labor voted down my amendment that would backpay miners who have been ripped off by dodgy union deals signed off by the government. This is what I'm doing about it: …
Smart Meters and Remote Control Air Cons

Smart Meters and Remote Control Air Cons

At Senate Estimates I asked the Australian Energy Regulator if they were concerned that there seems to be increasing control over people's electricity and access to electricity. It seems to be a case of "see no evil" at the Energy Regulator…
How Do You Fit Big Australia Into Small Housing and Infrastructure?

How Do You Fit Big Australia Into Small Housing and Infrastructure?

I asked the Treasury Department how they got immigration forecasts for the year so horribly wrong when they were already a third of the way through the year? In October 2022, the Government estimated total net overseas migration for the year…
Labor’s Tax Changes Do Nothing for Cost of Living and Bracket Creep

Labor’s Tax Changes Do Nothing for Cost of Living and Bracket Creep

Soaring cost of living, massive mortgage, rent hikes and inflation meant Australian households suffering the fastest income collapse in the world last year. Labor's tax changes will benefit some Australians, a measly $15 a week to make up for…
“That’s not my job” Lemmings Driving us Off the Net Zero Cliff

“That’s not my job” Lemmings Driving us Off the Net Zero Cliff

No one in government will take responsibility for the net-zero plan going wrong. Mr Parker who heads the Clean Energy Regulator is paid over $630,000 a year, yet he admits that even if catastrophic errors in claims about Net Zero are brought…
Incidents Remain Unreported and CASA Can’t Answer Questions

CASA Has Loose Ends It “Cannot Recall”

CASA's credibility is in free fall. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is meant to be the authority regulating aviation safety and yet senior executives have free and exclusive access to Chairman's Lounge and Virgin Beyond Lounge…
The Government’s Health Department Hides from a Royal Commission into COVID

The Government’s Health Department Hides from a Royal Commission into COVID

In January, the Senate held a committee inquiry into appropriate Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission into COVID. This is the Royal Commission the Prime Minister promised during the election campaign, which Senator Gallagher also promised.…