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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Coal Mining Wage Rip-Off report

Senator for Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party c/ AUSPIC This report details extensive calculations that demonstrate casual coal miners across the Central Queensland and New South Wales Hunter Valley districts are being ripped…
It’s No Longer a Conspiracy Theory!

Smart Meters … It’s No Longer a Conspiracy Theory!

Smart Meters cutting off your power is no longer a conspiracy theory. It's already here! The Queensland Government reached into people's homes to take control of 170,000 air-cons in the last two months. Wind, solar and the demonisation…
Public Hearing | 9 Feb 2024: Digital ID Bill 2023

Public Hearing | 9 Feb 2024: Digital ID Bill 2023

UNSW Allens Hub for Technology Law and Innovation The UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation (‘UNSW Allens Hub’) is an independent community of scholars based at UNSW Sydney. During the inquiry into the government's Digital…
Australia’s Health System is Failing the Australian People

Australia’s Health System is Failing the Australian People

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During COVID we were forced by the health system into unnecessary and unhealthy lockdowns, away from fresh air, denied proper exercise and social contact. Many Australians have lost faith in the medical system that seems intent on promoting…
The Albanese Government Is Not Serving the Australian People

The Albanese Government Is Not Serving the Australian People

Since assuming office in 2022, the Albanese government and their Green and Teal coalition partners have completely ignored the principles of transparency and accountability. On important issues, Labor deliberately uses the deceptive tactics…
Labor are Not the Party of the Workers

Labor are Not the Party of the Workers

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Today the Labor government will vote AGAINST my amendment that would award back pay to casual miners who had more than $30,000 a year stolen from them under union negotiated agreements. Nothing in Labor's bill will compensate these ripped…
Exposing the Permanent-Casual Rort

Exposing the Permanent-Casual Rort

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I detailed one of the most outrageous wage thefts in the country last night in the Senate. Despite having all of this information, the Labor party continues to cover it up, voting down my amendment that would give back-pay to victims. Casual…

The Biggest Air Con of the Summer!

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Queensland's state-owned power grid reached into people's homes 6 times and turned down 170,000 air conditioners. It's called PeakSmart limiting and they don't tell you when they've cut your cooling —  instead they tell…
People Do Not Trust Prime Minister Albanese

People Do Not Trust Prime Minister Albanese

This cannot be said often enough. People do not trust Prime Minister Albanese. Why? Labor conjures up a $16.70 increase in tax cuts to grab headlines before the Dunkley by-election where it’s worried about losing a government MP. Labor…

Power to the People – The National Rally Against Reckless Renewables

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Renewable energy is facing failure on a number of fronts, not least of which is merit. Engineers and energy regulators - even those who were once enthusiastic about solar panels, wind turbines and batteries - are showing signs of nervousness.…