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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Argentinian President Delivers a Few Home Truths at Davos

Argentinian President Delivers a Few Home Truths at Davos

Javier Milei speaks frankly at the WEF in Davos. This speech criticising socialism by the libertarian leader is well worth your time listening to.

NSW Council for Civil Liberties Abandons Civil Liberties

Founded in 1963, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) charter "is to protect the rights and liberties of Australian citizens and to oppose the abusive or excessive exercise of power by the state against its people.” In their submission…

Our Australian Flag

The politics of today seek to turn Australians against each other. We must resist this division as it only serves the interests of multinational companies and power-hungry politicians.
The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill

A Triad of Tyranny

Three Bills are being rammed through the Senate to create legislation that will transform the UN-WEF plans for surveillance and control into a dystopian reality in Australia. The first is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023, which…
The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill

Preview to the Documentary – The Transition to Extinction

Credit to Rainforest Reserves Australia ( These wind turbines will only make corporations wealthy, cost taxpayers and electricity users a lot of money, endanger wildlife, drive up energy prices even higher than…

2023 Year in Review: Net Zero Lunacy

With the most wind, solar and batteries on the grid than ever, Australian power bills have never been higher. For over a decade and almost everyday in the Senate since being elected, I have been fighting the net-zero scam. I'll be fighting…
The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill

2023 Year in Review: Reserve Bank of Australia

Very few in the media acknowledge the Reserve Bank creating $500 billion out of thin air is a major cause of inflation. I was laughed at when I first challenged RBA Governor Phillip Lowe, then he had to admit I was right. https:…
Murray Darling Farmers Fightback

Murray Darling Farmers Fightback

It's official! One Nation, the Liberals, Labor and Nationals agree water buybacks will force more farmers out of business and permanently drive up the price of fresh food. Talk of buybacks being needed for river health are quite simply…
Make Immigration About Quality Not Quantity! 

Make Immigration About Quality Not Quantity! 

I have concerns about two aspects of immigration.  Quantity, which refers to the number of people who are let in, and quality. We should only allow new people to come and live here if they'll make good citizens. The debacle with the released…
The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill

The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill

In 2016, I stood in the senate for the first time and warned that the United Nations wanted to reduce everyday Australians to the status of serfs through climate policy. I said back then we need an #AusExit, that our values and way of life…