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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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New Premier of Queensland and Backroom Deals

The now new Queensland Premier, Stephen Miles, posted to social media that he was busy and dedicated to preparing for cyclone Jasper. What was he actually doing during that time? Shady backroom deals and powerbroking make sure he became…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Recent years have been a massive challenge and too many Australians are battling. I know that because of our resilience, we’re often called “Aussie Battlers”, yet not everyone is looking forward to the Christmas break.  With cost…
Faith in Healthcare Attacked by Canberra’s Autocrats

Faith in Healthcare Attacked by Canberra’s Autocrats

Speaking in support of the ACT Self Government Amendment Bill 2023, I commended Senator Canavan for introducing this Bill. I strongly support pushing for an inquiry into the ACT government's seizure of the Calvary Hospital in Canberra. This…
Double Jeopardy in Tax Unfair

Double Jeopardy in Tax Unfair

I spoke on the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Bill 2023. One Nation supports an efficient, honest and fair tax system. This Bill does nothing to make that happen. Trickery with franking credits (again), the start of mandating…
The Senate is Supposed to be the House of Review

The Senate is Supposed to be the House of Review

I'm putting it on the record that this government's legislative processes are compromised. There are numerous examples of shoddy and rushed Bills being bulldozed through into legislation. I ask here for a simple review, a chance to hasten…
Government Fails to Produce Papers – Taipan Helicopter Ditching

Government Fails to Produce Papers – Taipan Helicopter Ditching

The Albanese government is rushing through legislation that will effectively give them similar power and control to World War era demands for 'your papers please'. I'm not saying this is the intention of the Albanese government, but it is the…
The Labor-Green-Teal Coalition Con

The Labor-Green-Teal Coalition Con

The Albanese government is doing dodgy deals behind the scenes with mates and donors, letting down workers while driving up the cost of living. Labor is horse-trading behind our backs with the Greens and Teals to get the numbers to fast track…
How to Fix the Housing Crisis

How to Fix the Housing Crisis

The housing unaffordability crisis is one of the greatest issues facing Australia. Australians want to have their hard work and savings rewarded. They want a place to call their own and a place where they can stay to raise a family. Mortgages…

Proposed Pumped Hydro at Cressbrook Dam

Thank you to the residents west of Cressbrook Dam who took the time to tell me their concerns about a proposed pumped hydro at the site along with huge clearing proposed for associated transmission lines. Pumped Hydro is another scam only…

Net-Zero Pipe Dream is Killing the Environment to “Save It”

I'm standing in the middle of an 80 metre wide, kilometres long clearing made for power lines, and these are small ones. The net-zero lunatics are planning on bulldozing straight lines through national parks, koala habitat and forestry for…