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Natural Carbon Dioxide Experiment Proves the Real Inconvenient Truth

In 2020 the world conducted one of the largest global experiments ever seen. Countries across the globe completely shut down their economies, locked everyone in their houses and stopped industrial production on a scale never seen before…
Australia’s Infrastructure Death by Labor’s Secretive Cuts

Australia’s Infrastructure Death by Labor’s Secretive Cuts

The Albanese government is deliberately opposing my motion to reveal the infrastructure review it's using to justify cutting hundreds of millions of dollars worth of badly needed infrastructure projects around Australia. Projects like dams…
Bushfires a Threat Created by Greenies, Not Climate Change

Bushfires a Threat Created by Greenies, Not Climate Change

Watch out for climate change scam artists claiming every bushfire is because of climate change. As this summer shapes up to be dangerous (just like every other bushfire season for decades has been dangerous) the real threat are the pretend…
Dirty by Nature

Dirty by Nature

The Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 is a deceptive name for a dirty bill that the Albanese government is rushing through the senate more than four months earlier than the committee requested. What it's really about is the federal government…
Labor Hides Corrupt Cronies from Scrutiny

Labor Hides Corrupt Cronies from Scrutiny

We need more accountability, not less. This Bill will promote power for union bosses over workers and is full of unintended consequences. It's a Bill all wrapped up in pretty paper with good measures that are widely supported and with poison…
Making Sense of the Murray-Darling Basin Water Amendment Bill

Making Sense of the Murray-Darling Basin Water Amendment Bill

During its passage through parliament, the government's Water Amendment Bill 2023 was subjected to almost 70 amendments. Deals were being made on the run. Nobody has a clear idea of how this massively amended Bill will affect farming, communities…
History Should Make You Uncomfortable

History Should Make You Uncomfortable

Erasing history by banning aspects of it runs the risk of society repeating history. The quote, "history should make you uncomfortable" describes how history has something to teach us. An effective tool of learning is discomfort. The amendment…
Labor’s Tent Cities

Labor’s Tent Cities

I spoke in parliament about the homelessness crisis in Australia and called out those responsible. In Labor's urban heartland, everyday Australians are sleeping in tents. These 'tent cities' are forming in public parks, showgrounds and…

How to fix a housing crisis

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Mortgages are skyrocketing, rents keep increasing, two thirds of young Australians believe they will never own a home and it’s hard to blame them. The housing unaffordability crisis is the greatest issue facing Australia. Australians want…
Senate Estimates | Australian Electoral Commission

Senate Estimates | Australian Electoral Commission

I spoke with the Tom Rogers of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) about the recent referendum and how the same shade of purple was used by the 'Yes' campaign. One Nation calls on the Special Minister of State, Senator Farrell to…