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The Murray-Darling Basin Environmental Catastrophe Bill

The Murray-Darling Basin Environmental Catastrophe Bill

I've travelled the Murray-Darling Basin from its northernmost point in Queensland, through New South Wales, Victoria and into South Australia. I've listened to the people along the way including the Aboriginal people for whom the water in the…
Why is Labor Normalising Vaccine Indemnity?

Make Your Voice Heard on the COVID Royal Commission Terms of Reference

With the origin of COVID now known to be the result of gain-of-function research, funded by the United States through Anthony Fauci's NIH and conducted in Wuhan China to escape regulatory barriers, it's even more important that Australians…
Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on Government Revealed

Exactly Who is Calling the Shots in Australia?

I asked Minister Gallagher how many vaccines are provided with an indemnity protection clause by the Australian government whereby those harmed cannot sue the company because the government has taken on the responsibility for harm done. Her…
Asia Pacific Security Innovation Forum

Asia Pacific Security Innovation Forum

I was invited to join this International Parliamentary Assembly Virtual Event for the Asia Pacific Security Innovation Forum, a non-partisan New Zealand think tank, formed in 2019. It aims to strengthen strategic partnerships and alliances…
Senator Roberts Talks on TNT Radio with Dean Mackin

Senator Roberts Talks on TNT Radio with Dean Mackin

Topics discussed: * Introduction of the Digital ID Bill into the Senate * The Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments * And more ...
Reserve Bank Rate Decision

Reserve Bank Rate Decision

Why does the Reserve Bank want to send everyone broke? The RBA will make its interest rate decision shortly. In this video from the last interest rate decision, I explain how crazy their plan is and how it's a problem they created. …
Tough Questions Asked on Digital ID Bill

Tough Questions Asked on Digital ID Bill

How can Minister Gallagher claim Digital ID will be secure given government is one of the largest perpetrators of data breaches? I questioned whether it "wouldn't be compulsory" in the same way the government claims vaccines were never…

Obscene Rush to Push Bills Through the Senate!

Labor is gagging the senate and forcing a vote on bills without debate. These are bills relating to legislation of great significance, which will impact the lives of everyday Australians. The Senate's role is to ensure legislation has…

Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) 2023 Bill

Tues 5-Dec-2023 | This was voted down by Labor, Liberal-Nationals, the Greens & the Lambie Network. What have these parties got to hide that they DO NOT WANT an agency that decides billions of dollars in government projects to divulge…
Digital ID Bill Passes First of Three Stages

Digital ID Bill Passes First of Three Stages

The Labor Government is pushing ahead with their globalist control agenda by introducing the Digital ID bill. This proposal is nothing more than a 21st Century version of Soviet Russia’s favourite measure – papers please. Senator Gallagher…