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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Incomplete Data Leads to Incompetent Governance

Incomplete Data Leads to Incompetent Governance

I expressed my disgust at the lack of data and the contradictions in the policy objectives of various legislation the Albanese Labor government is producing. This parliament stopped making decisions long ago on issues relating to health,…
Debate on Extending Judicial Immunity for Federal Court Judges

Debate on Extending Judicial Immunity for Federal Court Judges

One Nation had a number of comments to make on the recent move to extend the judicial immunity received by Division 1 Federal Court Judges to Division 2 Judges. Most people can't afford to go to court in the first place, let alone stump…
A Government Accountable to Nobody is Trusted by None

A Government Accountable to Nobody is Trusted by None

Parliamentarians no longer serve the needs of the people. There are some changes I’ve noticed in the behaviour of the ministers and bureaucrats. These were brought home to me in the most recent senate estimates. Truth will always win…
Labor Has Form on Making Life Harder

Labor Has Form on Making Life Harder

When the ANZ CEO, the outgoing Chair of the Future Fund and the Reserve Bank all tell us that immigration and the net zero transition are inflationary, the Government should stop and listen. Instead they are pushing ahead with a massive arrivals…
Cut Immigration Not Investment in Badly Needed Infrastructure

Cut Immigration Not Investment in Badly Needed Infrastructure

Treasurer Jim Chalmer plans to cut infrastructure spending at a time when Australia needs to increase its productive capacity. I make the point that by investing in productive capacity, Australia can increase its productivity and avoid…
Killing the Environment to Save It, Again – Sea Dumping for Net-Zero

Killing the Environment to Save It, Again – Sea Dumping for Net-Zero

Whether it’s called "under seabed injection of carbon dioxide" or any other ridiculous name, this latest carbon capture scheme is really just about making climate scam billionaires even richer. It's all in the name of 'Net Zero' with exactly…
Government Covering up for Airline Duopoly

Government Covering up for Airline Duopoly

I spoke in support of the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Continuing ACCC Monitoring of Domestic Airline Competition Bill 2023) introduced by the Coalition. The Morrison Government first put airline monitoring in place in June 2020.…
Australian Defence Force – Less Money on Gender Advisers, More on Ammo!

Australian Defence Force – Less Money on Gender Advisers, More on Ammo!

After questioning members of Defence during Senate Estimates, I spoke in the Senate Chamber in support of Senator Lambie's Motion that the ADF recruitment and retention crisis is a national security issue. With more leaving than joining…
Australians Don’t Need & Don’t Want to be Welcomed to Their Own Country

Australians Don’t Need & Don’t Want to be Welcomed to Their Own Country

If you still call Australia home, then you probably join the majority of Australians in being over the virtue-signalling 'Welcome to Country' ceremonies that are happening with tedious frequency these days. It was Voice campaigner, Marcia…
Government Running a Ponzi Scheme

Government Running a Ponzi Scheme

Labor is running a Ponzi scheme covering up a per capita recession. It’s bringing in huge numbers of new arrivals to increase spending to hide the per capita recession. They are running Australia's economy like a Ponzi scheme, relying on…