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Vaccine Mandates: Human Rights Destroyed by Emergency Declarations

Vaccine Mandates: Human Rights Destroyed by Emergency Declarations

In light of Professor Brendan Murphy’s, the Secretary Department of Health & Aged Care, evidence during the June estimates that mandates are no longer justifiable, I asked the Human Rights Commissioner, Lorraine Finlay, for their latest…
ASIO Not interested in Investigating COVID and Wuhan Bio-lab

ASIO Not interested in Investigating COVID and Wuhan Bio-lab

I asked ASIO if they would investigate the origin of COVID, which is now known to be the Wuhan bio-lab and involves illegal USA Dept of Defense research? The answer was clearly an emphatic NO. Our head of intelligence has no interest…
Flood of Overseas Arrivals Fuels Australia’s Housing Crisis

Flood of Overseas Arrivals Fuels Australia’s Housing Crisis

Data from Home Affairs and analysed by Tarric Brooker shows there are 2.3 million visa holders likely to require housing in Australia right now excluding tourists and other short stay visas. Almost every Australian in a rental saw their…

Scaremongers Calling for MASKS Again in Queensland

ABSOLUTELY NOT! This isn't about health, it's about fear. That is all that masks are useful for. Will any government want to explain to Australia why we're apparently on the 8th wave when the 6th booster is available? https://y…
Federal Government Enables the States to Steal Property

Federal Government Enables the States to Steal Property

I supported a motion from Senators Colbeck and Cadell that called for an inquiry into property rights. In particular, I speak here about the compulsory acquisition of land for the short-sighted and unsustainable failed wind and solar experiment…
Special Forces Veteran Slams Chief of Defence Force Failures

Special Forces Veteran Slams Chief of Defence Force Failures

I had the privilege of reading a letter sent by a Special Forces Veteran into the HANSARD record. He shockingly details the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) General Angus Campbell abandoning the soldiers that served under him. Due to the…
Wind and Solar Investors Cut and Run

Wind and Solar Investors Cut and Run

Major investors are deserting wind and solar installations, walking away and writing off billions of dollars, as their share prices plummet. The ‘Green Dream’ is morphing into a nightmare of failure and financial loss. What’s more,…
Medicinal Cannabis Overdue for Down Regulation

Medicinal Cannabis Overdue for Down Regulation

Proven over thousands of years and once America’s most prescribed medicine – until Pharma realised the profits it could make from patented products – medicinal cannabis has much to offer in terms of health and well-being. With 820 varieties…
Watt Arrogance, Watt Contempt

Watt Arrogance, Watt Contempt

Senator Murray Watt showed the people of Australia his inability to behave in a relevant, responsible or respectful manner when he failed repeatedly to answer questions about the unsustainably high levels of immigration his party and his government…
What Will it Take to Get a Straight Answer?

What Will it Take to Get a Straight Answer?

I asked three simple questions of the Minister representing the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and yet again, Senator Watt turned the Senate Chamber into a circus to his obvious amusement and wasted precious…