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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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No Basis for Extreme Weather Predictions

No Basis for Extreme Weather Predictions

The Australian Department of Treasury website states that extreme weather events are expected to occur with increased frequency and severity. I asked in the recent senate estimates what sources Treasury had based this prediction. I was informed…


Senator Malcolm Roberts declared Prime Minister Albanese’s trip to China redundant while critical Australian manufacturing is offshored and essential commodities are shipped to the communist regime. He said: “The net zero Transition…

Event: Courage and Strength

MCJ Report is heading to Brisbane | Saturday, 18 November 2023 I will be joining: Morgan Jonas (your host for the evening) Avi Yemini Rukshan Fernando Craig Kelly Renee Eaves Steve Dickson Secure your spot here:…
CSIRO’s GenCost is Just a Wind and Solar Fairy-tale!

CSIRO’s GenCost is Just a Wind and Solar Fairy-tale!

Politicians keep telling Australia that "wind and solar are the cheapest form of energy" while they force Net-Zero down our throats. As proof, they point to a CSIRO document called GenCost, which supposedly estimates the cost of different types…
Minister Gallagher Dodges Question About COVID Royal Commission

Minister Gallagher Dodges Question About COVID Royal Commission

The Labor government has done everything it can to avoid the scrutiny of a Royal Commission into COVID despite promising a Royal Commission on several occasions. Instead, PM Albanese has announced an inquiry that is guaranteed to be a whitewash…
Does Australia have a Vaccine Queen Calling the Shots?

Does Australia have a Vaccine Queen Calling the Shots?

Australia's premier vaccine sales advocate, the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) is in charge of recommending if the federal government should add more vaccines to the schedule. Yet it's the same organisation…
Government’s Health Authorities Baffled by Excess Deaths

Government’s Health Authorities Baffled by Excess Deaths

I tabled a graph based on data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics which shows a significant spike in excess deaths. This significant increase in 2021 and a further spike in 2022 are unexplained. The graph excludes respiratory diseases…
0m in Running Costs for Nauru?

$400m in Running Costs for Nauru?

I asked Home Affairs if $400 million in annual running costs was reasonable. In their opinion it is reasonable, however what exactly are Australians paying for? I couldn't get an answer out of them about how many people the facility can hold.…
AHPRA Muzzled GPs for Questioning COVID Jabs

AHPRA Muzzled GPs for Questioning COVID Jabs

Many doctors have been targeted or notified by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA) simply for questioning the COVID injections. These injections have since been found to be unsafe, not effective, and testing…
Reserve Bank Uses “Blunt Tool” on Inflation

Reserve Bank Uses “Blunt Tool” on Inflation

The new Governor of the Reserve Bank is not ruling out raising the cash rate again to further control inflation. She refers to these measures as part of a tightening phase. The Reserve Bank is unwinding the massive expansionary monetary…