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ASIC and the Case of the Missing Gold

ASIC and the Case of the Missing Gold

ASIC received a significant, detailed complaint of misconduct concerning a company that sells gold, silver and palladium to the public, and then stores the bullion on behalf of their customers. The complaint suggested the company was selling…
Clarifying Where ACMA Stands on the Censorship Bill

Clarifying Where ACMA Stands on the Censorship Bill

At Senate Estimates, I asked the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) about their input into Labor’s Combating Misinformation and Disinformation Bill. Both ACMA and the Minister claim the bill will retain the democratic…
Linking the Top End Coast to Coast by Rail

Linking the Top End Coast to Coast by Rail

I was successful in having the project known as Iron Boomerang referred to a Senate Inquiry. Iron Boomerang is a railway that is really a shopping cart on rails — bringing iron ore, rare earths and agricultural product from West Australia…
Cheaper Electricity Bills Anyone?

Cheaper Electricity Bills Anyone?

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) assures me that as Australia has very good sunshine and solar energy is the cheapest form of energy on the planet, we can expect to have cheap electricity. That's nonsense because they don't take…
CCP Office in Sydney? Nothing to See Here!

CCP Office in Sydney? Nothing to See Here!

This is the second Senate Estimates I have raised questions about Chinese Communist Party contact points (or Chinese overseas police stations) in Australia. We know they exist and that this issue has been investigated and confirmed by mainstream…
Evasive CASA Witness Faces Estimates Grilling

Evasive CASA Witness Faces Estimates Grilling

Principal Medical Officer at the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has been absent during our previous senate estimates sessions despite my requests for her presence. I asked her questions about her other roles and responsibilities,…
Time to Cancel Snowy Hydro

Time to Cancel Snowy Hydro

The $100-$200 million tunnel-boring machine known as Florence has been bogged in muddy water on soft ground for a year. I followed up on previous estimate questions, where I was categorically lied to by bureaucrats who were trying to cover…
Home Affairs Collaborated with Social Media During COVID

Home Affairs Collaborated with Social Media During COVID

, In the May/June Estimates, I asked questions about former MP Craig Kelly being booted off Facebook (META) for posting alleged misinformation about COVID, which turned out to be accurate. Initially, Home Affairs…
Distinguished Service Medals Might Be Illegal

Distinguished Service Medals Might Be Illegal

At Senate Estimates I have been pursuing the Chief of the Defence Force over allegations he was illegally awarded a Distinguished Service Cross. This represents the hard work and tiring investigations of veterans and others over many years.…
Supporting Debate Supports Democracy

Supporting Debate Supports Democracy

The motion from Labor on Wednesday 18 October shows complete contempt for the Senate and for the people of Australia who put us in this house. I spoke to oppose Labor's guillotining of debate. The Family Law Act is being amended and the…