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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Damning New Evidence Revealed

Damning New Evidence Revealed

I've been asking for a Royal Commission into COVID for more than 2 years. I am told it's too early. It's now been 4 years since COVID was first found in Wuhan and in Italy and sent the world insane. Lock-downs, business closures and job…
In Australia the Bank Robs You!

In Australia the Bank Robs You!

If you rob a bank, you go to jail. If the bank robs you, no banker will go to jail and they won't even pay a fine. Maybe it has something to do with the Big 4's top shareholders - Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, JP Morgan, Charles Schwab,…
What does Big Pharma Have to Gain?

What does Big Pharma Have to Gain?

One Nation supports the general principle that students should be able to finish their studies without breaking the bank. The real conversation needed though is the artificial monopoly the medical colleges hold over students in this country.…
Killing the Environment to Save It

Killing the Environment to Save It

Installing wind turbines requires massive environmental damage, from grinding the tops of mountains for the 250 metre high wind turbines to gouging 50 metre wide roadways to access them. That's in addition to the hundreds of kilometres of turbine…
Only Coal Can Fix the Cost of Living Crisis

Only Coal Can Fix the Cost of Living Crisis

There has never been more wind and solar in the grid than we have now, and yet power bills have never been higher. Coal power is still the cheapest form of electricity we can make on demand, so we should be building more of it. We need…
QANTAS becomes a National Shame

QANTAS becomes a National Shame

In recent years, QANTAS appears to have lost the skill of delivering passengers and their luggage to the same city. Some will try to say it's the fault of capitalism. It's crony capitalism that is actually to blame. Crony capitalism is…
Amending the Biosecurity Act — What Does it Mean?

Amending the Biosecurity Act — What Does it Mean?

This bill is seeking to provide biosecurity officers with increased powers. With everything we've been through over the past few years, I decided to ask for clarification on the bill. I questioned how these new powers could be used and whether…

Event: Why it’s important to Vote No!

I will be joining Hon. Gary Johns and Dave Pellowe to share my views on why it is so important we vote no in the upcoming Voice Referendum. Bookings are essential due to limited seating: Wednesday, 27…
Who will fact-check the fact-checkers?

Who will fact-check the fact-checkers?

The government's response to news of shady foreign money potentially influencing the RMIT-ABC Fact Check partnership is silence. The credibility of 'independent fact checkers' has been destroyed. It's time for the government to abandon its…
The Voice: A Conversation with Anthony Dillon

The Voice: A Conversation with Anthony Dillon

Join me with Anthony Dillon as we talk about his history and why he believes the Voice will not help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.