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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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You Cannot Have a Treaty With Yourself

You Cannot Have a Treaty With Yourself

We've been hearing a lot about reconciliation and self-determination recently. On 20 June 2023, Senator Thorpe called for a treaty to end a "war declared on First Nations people 230 years ago" as a Matter of Urgency. A treaty is a legal…
Government Ignores Foreign Influence in RMIT-ABC Fact Checks

Government Ignores Foreign Influence in RMIT-ABC Fact Checks

Financial statements show an ABC fact check partnership with RMIT received grants from an organisation that receives funds from George Soros funded foreign organisations, foreign governments and shadowy foundations. Instead of taking these…
Unique Australian Ecosystems Under Threat

Unique Australian Ecosystems Under Threat

Pristine Australian bushland environments are being torn apart for metal monsters. Short-lived and resource-hungry wind turbines are going up all over Queensland as part of Australia's Net Zero 2050. These monstrosities are nothing more…
Pursuing Accountability Among the Agencies

Pursuing Accountability Among the Agencies

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is thorough and does some fine work. Its audit of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the National Recovery and Resilience Agency (NRRA) found performance accountability missing. At…
The COVID Censorship Chain of Command

The COVID Censorship Chain of Command

During the May/June Senate Estimates hearings, I asked the Department of Health and Aged Care to clarify their role with the Department of Home Affairs in censoring social media posts. Home Affairs had indicated that it relied upon the…
Australia’s Bank Guarantee Scheme – Are You Covered?

Australia’s Bank Guarantee Scheme – Are You Covered?

At the May/June Senate Estimates, I asked the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) about their accountability and responsibilities for financial services and then probed further into depositor guarantees. I wanted to try and establish…
Coal LSL Under Question

Coal LSL Under Question

At the May/June Senate Estimates I asked questions of the Coal LSL Board to establish that a person working under an Enterprise Agreement contract cannot receive benefits less than the agreed award for the same category. Under the Black…
Medical Professionals Silenced by AHPRA

Medical Professionals Silenced by AHPRA

Ten medical professionals have had their registrations suspended by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) simply because they spoke out about the COVID injection risks — 4 doctors, 5 nurses and 1 pharmacist. Even…
New NAPLAN Scoring Developed By Expert Teachers

New NAPLAN Scoring Developed By Expert Teachers

In the May-June Senate Estimates, I asked David de Carvalho, CEO of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) why the National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will no longer report progress…
School Survey Questions Aussie Kids About Parents’ COVID Compliance

School Survey Questions Aussie Kids About Parents’ COVID Compliance

Parents contacted my office with concerns they had about a National Assessment Program (NAP) science quiz survey, which targeted children in Grade 6 (11 and 12 years). One of the survey questions was about families 'compliance' with the government's…