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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Biodiversity Endangered by Windlab

Biodiversity Endangered by Windlab

This area of stunning natural beauty, with its rock wallabies and rock art galleries, holds the most important critical koala population in North Queensland. It's exactly the kind of area Australians would expect to be protected, and it's…
Soviet-Style Rule in Australia Under Labor

Soviet-Style Rule in Australia Under Labor

Here is my reflection on the second Albanese government budget, particularly relevant as the Prime Minister is breaking his election promises at breakneck speed. Were these promises ever designed to be kept?…

Time to Give Our Banking Cartel Some Real Competition

My latest article in The Spectator ... No amount of regulation has been able to force our banks to behave ethically because the banks will always have smarter lawyers than the government. The only way to restore fair banking practice is…
Behold So-called “Green” Energy Killing the Environment!

Behold So-called “Green” Energy Killing the Environment!

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This is the disgraceful reality behind the climate change agenda. A reality most Australians never get to see. How do the Greens feel about vulnerable Greater Glider habitat being cleared in Far North Queensland? Will they say it's for…
RBA’s Ties to US Dollars Leaves Australia Exposed

RBA’s Ties to US Dollars Leaves Australia Exposed

, The BRICS member states are abandoning the United States' dollar and other nations are seeking to join the BRICS bloc, which accounts for 25% of world trade and is expected to grow to 50% by 2030. The US dollar…
Australia Council Manifesto is Art Propaganda

Australia Council Manifesto is Art Propaganda The Creative Australia bill 2023 is more about politics than art. It is legislation designed to modernise the Australia Council, but in reality it's driving artists and writers overseas in search of art and…

Event: Launch of Children’s Health Defense – Australian Chapter

Join us for the Australian launch of Children's Health Defense, the renowned organisation and now Australian chapter movement. This organisation is dedicated to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of children and families…
The Voice is About Money, Power and Control

The Voice is About Money, Power and Control “The scope of the voice is its strength,” said one of its Indigenous architects, Megan Davis. The Voice is racist. It is flawed, divisive — inserting race into the constitution. It would destroy the People's…
Spike Protein Scandal Should be Referred to Senate Select Inquiry

Spike Protein Scandal Should be Referred to Senate Select Inquiry We know COVID injections contain spike proteins that instruct human cells to make spike proteins for extended periods of time. I asked these questions in the Senate: What is the biological function…

Last Chance to Have Your Say

Have your say and sign our petition by clicking on the links below. Help safeguard Australia's democratic and 'human' rights to free speech. There are only a few days left for you to 'Have Your Say' (while you still can) on the Government's…