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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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One Nation Uses its Voice to Back Real Project From the Heart

One Nation Uses its Voice to Back Real Project From the Heart The Iron Boomerang inquiry was initiated by One Nation because we saw the project's undeniable benefits. This 3,300 km transcontinental railway represents significant advantages to all Australians across…
Banks Behaving Badly and Ripping Off Australians

Banks Behaving Badly and Ripping Off Australians Customers of Australia's 'Big Four' banks are not getting a fair go. The Commonwealth Bank announced a $10.2 billion annual profit made on the backs of the hard work of their customers and staff, who deserve…
Rent Caps Increases Rents

Rent Caps Increases Rents Renting is a big issue for Australians. Rents are going up and finding a rental home is growing more difficult. Listening to everyday Australians across regional Queensland in recent weeks, what I heard…
No more indemnity – we will chase you until you are held accountable!

No more indemnity – we will chase you until you are held accountable! Rapper Zuby, in a very well-delivered address in 2022 at CPAC, observed that most politicians don't care if people die—and he is correct. Most politicians don't care if people die. There's no royal commission.…
COVID Injection Safety Bungled Badly

COVID Injection Safety Bungled Badly In the Senate recently, I remarked on the Therapeutic Goods Administration's handling of the pharmaceutical products imported as part of the COVID response. Australia needs to know the Who, Where and How…
Humans Not Responsible for Increases in CO2

Humans Not Responsible for Increases in CO2 I spoke briefly in the Senate about climate science. The data really does speak for itself. Only 12% of the increase in CO2 between 1750 and 2018 was man-made. That's much too low to be the cause of…
Cost of Living Has Not Eased Under Labor

Cost of Living Has Not Eased Under Labor Everything has gone up. Food, fuel, electricity. Why? Australian supermarket and petrol profiteering is not being addressed by this government nor the consumer watchdog, the ACCC, which is asleep at the…
Did Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID?

Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID? The Australian, American, British & Canadian military forces formed this consortium to dominate COVID response. Australia joined the consortium in 2012 under the Labor-Gillard government. A military-pharmaceutical…

A One Nation Event: Free Speech Conference

Tickets selling fast - secure your seat at: This is a much anticipated conference where everyday Australians will come together to hear the latest on the government's plans to take away more of your rights,…
Voice – Treaty – Lies

Voice – Treaty – Lies 26-page-Doc-14-Uluru-Statement-from-the-HeartDownload 112 page document obtained under FOI is available for download below. FOI-112-page-docDownload The Prime Minister has deliberately hidden his…