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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Live Studio Event: Discussing Big Ideas – Eight Mile Plains

Live Studio Event: Discussing Big Ideas – Eight Mile Plains

RSVP here: When Friday, 11 August 2023 7 pm to 8:30 pm Where BTP Conference & Exhibition Centre 1 Clunies Ross Court Eight Mile Plains…
Labor’s Welfare Policy is Causing Tough Times for Australians

Blaming Ukraine for Australian Energy Prices is Misinformation Coal prices have risen internationally but Ukraine had nothing to do with energy prices rising in Australia. Investment in solar and wind is to blame. It is important that the government in this country…
Labor’s Welfare Policy is Causing Tough Times for Australians

Labor’s Welfare Policy is Causing Tough Times for Australians This welfare bill is trying to solve the problems government caused. The payments are needed because people are doing it tough in Australia. Government is causing the problem with its Net Zero policies…
Labor Must Not Cut the Budget for Antarctica

Labor Must Not Cut the Budget for Antarctica Australia is fortunate, as one of the original Antarctic treaty signatories, to lay claim to the largest portion of the Antarctic continent. To cut back on infrastructure and research leaves Australia open…
How bad is my batch just morphed into how bad is my Minister for Health!

How bad is my batch just morphed into how bad is my Minister for Health! Minister Gallagher seemed to misunderstand the last question on both opportunities to answer it. She did not answer what happens with other medicines. She and others present around her made faces and lipreading…
Stop telling 12-year-olds they were born in the wrong body!

Stop telling 12-year-olds they were born in the wrong body! Listen to this brave young woman who has come forward to talk about her firsthand experience of one of the biggest medical scandals in human history. Ideological gender affirming “care” is not caring.…
The Royal Commission Promised by PM Albanese Must Happen

The Royal Commission Promised by PM Albanese Must Happen

, Multiple peer-reviewed data coming to light in the wake of COVID demonstrate clearly how COVID medical interventions do more harm than good — far more harm. That ATAGI is not doing its job properly and is…
Bring Julian Assange Home Now!

Bring Julian Assange Home Now! If the United States' government is making an example of Julian Assange – an Australian, NOT a US citizen – to dissuade other journalists from publishing the truth about illegal US government activity,…
ASIC and Senate Lock Horns Over Accountability

ASIC and Senate Lock Horns Over Accountability Earlier this year the Senate failed to pass my proposal for confidential document discovery. The stoush currently underway between Senator Braggs’ Committee of Inquiry into ASIC and ASIC themselves confirms…
Thousands more Aussies dying than usual and Moderna passes them off as COVID deaths

Thousands more Aussies dying than usual and Moderna passes them off as COVID deaths

, In 2020 when COVID was spreading like wild fire through aged care, hunting people down and infecting them, there was no excess mortality. In fact, there were over 2000 less deaths than in 2019. Yet in 2021…