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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Pharma-Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events

Pharma-Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events

, Who got it wrong on 'vaccine' side-effects? World leading virology and pharmacology experts who spent months peer reviewing Pfizer's own COVID phase III trial data, reaching the conclusion this product…
The Alex Jones Show – Infowars

The Alex Jones Show – Infowars

I joined guest host Maria Zeee on the "Alex Jones Show - Infowars" on Wednesday to break down how the Great Awakening is taking the power back from the government for Australians.
Pfizer Under Question

Pfizer Under Question

, Watch as I question Pfizer representatives in this Senate Hearing. The company was very reluctant to attend the committee hearing and also reluctant to supply a straight answer, automatically falling back…

Event: Save the Date – Labor’s War on Freedom of Speech

Free Speech Conference Reserve your seat here: Labor’s Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 is a direct attack on freedom…

Premiere: Sound of Freedom

Join us for the premiere of the movie - Sound of Freedom - at the Dendy Cinemas Portside, Hamilton, QLD. Booking is essential: Based on a true story, the unconventional blockbuster…
Cancel Culture Places Australia at a Political Turning Point

Cancel Culture Places Australia at a Political Turning Point As a nation, do we believe in robust political debate? Or are we leaning towards the more suppressive model coming out of Communist China? An Australian speaking tour by Donald Trump Junior was ended before…

Cairns: Save the Date!

I will be in Cairns on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 to listen to your concerns regarding the escalation of youth crime and any other areas of concern you or your community may have. Please join me. RSVP here: If…
One Nation Will Always Protect the Innocence of Children

One Nation Will Always Protect the Innocence of Children The Classification Board is required to protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation, abuse, and pornographic material. This is outlined in the legislation written in 1995. Restricting publications…
Australia Slow to Hear the Net-Zero Wake Up Call

Australia Slow to Hear the Net-Zero Wake Up Call We’re the world’s most energy rich country yet we have some of the highest electricity prices. We export our energy resources while skyrocketing power bills and taxes ensure the flow of money from everyday…
Net Zero Climate Credibility is Boiling Over

Net Zero Climate Credibility is Boiling Over The UN has dialed up its terror war against the West to ridiculous new levels. We're now expected to believe in climate boiling. Basic human rights are being destroyed using false data and children are…