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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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The Rental Crisis is Running On Empty

The Rental Crisis is Running On Empty One million Australian homes are sitting vacant. That's twice what we need to solve the housing crisis. They don't need to be built they are unoccupied right now. The government isn't solving this problem.…
How Many Australian Homes are Foreign Owned?

How Many Australian Homes are Foreign Owned? Australia has a rental crisis and yet we continue to allow foreign entities, including shelf companies, buying and locking up homes. According to recent publicly available data, NSW Treasury figures as…
Community Not Conflict is the Key

Community Not Conflict is the Key At a recent NAIDOC flag-raising celebration in Mackay, I learned that as a result of a successful community policing initiative involving Aboriginal and Islander community liaison officers working with at-risk…
Why Albanese Needs to Establish an “Indigenous Voice” to Sign a Treaty

Why Albanese Needs to Establish an “Indigenous Voice” to Sign a Treaty Here’s what’s emerging on Labor’s Voice: Labor sees it as essential for making a “treaty” to create a separate sovereign aboriginal state. The 1-minute video shows that in pushing the failing…

Not in Front of the Children! When family department stores and online shops display books that are designed to groom children about sex, we have to say - this is not acceptable! The Australian Classification Board is failing children…
Greens and Teals can’t see the wood for the trees

Greens and Teals can’t see the wood for the trees Native timber forestry does not harm the environment, but destroying an established 120 old industry does more harm than good to the environment and to Australian society. How do the Greens and Teals think…
Passing the Censorship Buck Back to Social Media

Passing the Censorship Buck Back to Social Media Government claims it did not censor information itself, but raised matters of inaccurate information that were then referred to social media platforms. Cautiously keeping its own hands clean of censoring…
NEW Update on WHO Pandemic Treaty

NEW Update on WHO Pandemic Treaty

I've got many developments to give you on the World Health Organisation's proposed Pandemic Treaty (now "Accord") and International Health Regulations. The draft has changed, now we must focus the fight on the final version of the Acco…
My Speech at Curing the Corruption of Medicine – A New Beginning

My Speech at Curing the Corruption of Medicine – A New Beginning

Thank you Hoody for the great introduction. If you're interested in the hearing from all speakers at this AMPS event, including internationally-renowned cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra, watch below. …
Net Zero Leadership

Net Zero Leadership Prime Minister Albanese really is a net zero politician. There's been much talk about the Prime Minister's broken promises without any thought to the question: Were these promises ever designed to be kept…