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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Discussing the Upsurge in Crime in North Queensland While in Townsville I spoke with Mark of the North Queensland Freedom Network about the upsurge in crime Queensland is seeing, as well as many other issues, particularly…
Climate Ambitions for an Unsustainable Future

Climate Ambitions for an Unsustainable Future I made this statement to the senate recently to highlight the insanity of the C40 scheme. This is a collaborative effort by many of the world’s largest cities which have been captured by the UN monolith and…
Fair Work Fails Exploited Workers

Fair Work Fails Exploited Workers

, This is a case of the Ombudsman adding insult to injury. In the May 2023 Senate Estimates I asked the Fair Work Ombudsman how their office decided that Ready Workforce could be a person's employer when…
Labor’s War on Freedom of Speech

Labor’s War on Freedom of Speech Labor’s Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 is a direct attack on freedom of speech. With the government taking aim at free speech and…

WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

What went wrong? The World Health Organisation (WHO) was established in 1948 to improve health outcomes in developing nations. Since the appointment of Tedros Ghebreyesus as Director-General in 2017, WHO has undergone a complete…
Does the ADF really think EV’s can defend our nation?

Does the ADF really think electric vehicles can defend our nation?

, I asked questions of two Army generals as to the viability of military EVs in the field. They spoke of the challenges of recharging in the field, considering factors such as solar charging and the use of hybrid…

The Outrage Brigade Strikes Again 😉 😲

The left are trying to cause fake outrage with an edited video of me quoting the bible in a speech, falsely claiming I’ve called for the execution of trans people. It’s absurd, given I’ve already talked about trans people I call my friends.…

Stop the Lies and Dirty Deals Stealing from Miners!

My letter to Tony Burke MP, Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations, dated 26 June 2023 is clear on the facts that workers were deliberately exploited. When union bosses collude with dishonest multi-national employers and unaccountable…
Let Children be Children!

Let Children be Children! I stand in defence of a child's right to innocence. Children must be allowed to grow up without being exposed to sexual grooming. The legal system and courts in this day and age are supposed to defend…
How the West was Lost

How the West was Lost On the one hand, Australia bans the use of its own natural gas, while on the other hand plans huge gas processing and export expansion for international bidders. We're sending our natural resources overseas…