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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Is the UK Sliding into Dystopia? Australia Could Be Next!

Is the UK Sliding into Dystopia? Australia Could Be Next!

Watching the sad events currently underway in the United Kingdom, one might be forgiven for thinking we've descended into the dystopian world long foretold by classic literature. One Nation agrees with Milton - free circulation of ideas is…
How Many Foreign Buyers Are Snatching Up Australian Homes?

How Many Foreign Buyers Are Really Snatching Up Australian Homes?

Since November, I have been trying to get a very simple answer out of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO): How many potential foreign buyers are they detecting? The ATO runs a data matching program that checks the details of more than 2.4…
Australia’s Fuel Stock Shortfall: Current Crude Oil Reserves at Just 53 Days

Australia’s Fuel Stock Shortfall: Current Crude Oil Reserves at Just 53 Days

In the event a war breaks out or our shipping routes are blocked, Australia is screwed with practically all of our local refineries out of business. At the May Senate Estimates, I asked the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment…

Telcos Let Off ‘Scot-Free’ on 3G Shutdown

Telstra and Optus’ two-month delay on the 3G mobile network shutdown is a failure of the Communications Minister Michelle Rowland and defies recommendations from a Senate inquiry. A two-month delay is nowhere near enough time to fix the…
Call for Inquiry into Solar & Wind

Government’s Net-Zero Push Threatens Economy

The government wants to drive us off a cliff as we speed towards Net-Zero dictates from the un-elected United Nations and World Economic Forum. None of it is based on proper data and all the evidence we have is that it will destroy our energy…
Government Crack Down on Petrol and Diesel Cars

Government Crack Down on Petrol and Diesel Cars

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If you enjoy your petrol or diesel car, the government is trying to make sure you won't be enjoying it for long. Looking through this word salad I got from the Department, the reality is the government is placing fines on manufacturers who…
One Nation’s Policies Can Fix Australia’s Inflation Crisis

One Nation’s Policies Can Fix Australia’s Inflation Crisis

Australia's real wages have collapsed to levels not seen since before 2010, wiping out 15 years of hard-earned pay rises. Both the Labor and Liberal governments have fueled this crisis. While the government wastes billions on net zero projects…
Digital ID, Independent Media and the Future of Conservatism in Australia

Digital ID, Independent Media and the Future of Conservatism in Australia

I recently joined Melinda Richards on TNT Radio to discuss pressing issues facing Australia today. I emphasised the importance of independent media. Our conversation turned to the Digital ID bill, which echoes the Australia Card proposal…
Radio Interview: Defence Honours and Awards System Senate Inquiry

Radio Interview: Defence Honours and Awards System Senate Inquiry

Thank you to Ben Fordham of 2GB for inviting me to discuss this inquiry. The inquiry aims to look at potentially illegal medals being awarded to senior defence officers, hear from ADF personnel and explore possible improvements to the Defence…

Angry Veterans Demand Revocation of Angus Campbell’s Medal

There is no specific evidence that Angus Campbell was "in action" which is the criteria required for his medal at the time of his nomination. The honours and awards system has been abused, with senior officers and generals giving medals…