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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Event: Lunch at the Hotel Albert – Monto

I will be in Monto this Sunday, listening to locals about their concerns. If you want to chat, please feel free to join me. RSVP: When: Sunday, 11 June 2023 | 12pm…
When will the ATO stop foreign buyers?

When will the ATO stop foreign buyers?

I highlighted the dilemma facing Aussies who are getting squeezed out of the property market by cashed up foreign buyers. I was told that purchasers of new properties by foreign investors are monitored through the Australian Tax Office but…
Australia Council happy to waste 7% more of your money to virtue signal

Australia Council happy to waste 7% more of your money to virtue signal

, Everyone's power bills are going up, which made me wonder why the Australia Council was happy to make their power bill 7% more expensive for no reason at all. Despite the same power coming through the plug…
Will the new Corruption Commission cover the voice?

Will the new Corruption Commission cover the voice?

, I asked the ACLEI if the new National Anti-Corruption Commission would have oversight of the workings of the Voice if it is established. The response was that the Voice would be purely advisory and not provide…
Federal Government silent on dodgy science for Queensland fish stock assessments

Federal Government silent on dodgy science for Queensland fish stock assessments

, Fisheries Queensland has been under immense pressure from fishers who have had their livelihoods destroyed. Despite declaring the stocks of Spanish Mackerel “sustainable” as recently as 2018, a change in…
Calvary Hospital takeover a frightening attack on religious freedom

Calvary Hospital takeover a frightening attack on religious freedom Canberra Health Autocrats have decided there is no place for religion in health care and are trying to take over the Calvary Hospital. It seems nobody is going to get in the way of the Health Autocrats’ agenda…

Event: Pialba – Fraser Coast Crime Forum

Senator Malcolm Roberts will introduce a very special family to the Fraser Coast community, a family who have been directly touched by the shocking impact of crime in our community. Our area will rally behind these special people, as they…
The AEC are their own worst enemy!

The AEC are their own worst enemy!

, I receive a lot of constituent inquiries regarding election issues. My staff look into these and we created a file of potential electoral irregularities. I have been working…
“Voice running costs? Don’t you worry about that.”

“Voice running costs? Don’t you worry about that.”

Senate Estimates exposed the billion-dollar costs given to indigenous agencies and the unlimited costs required to run the Voice if the Voice is agreed to at the Referendum. An open cheque book will be required from the taxpayer to fund…
Snowy 2.0 continues to throw good money after bad

Snowy 2.0 continues to throw good money after bad

, I questioned the Snowy Hydro Authority on the Snowy 2.0 project at Senate Estimates. Snowy 2.0 is a 'big battery' that pumps water from the Talbingo Reservoir up to the Tantangara Reservoir during the day…