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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Libraries pedalling sexually explicit material to kids

Libraries peddling sexually explicit material to kids

, I asked the Classification Board about giving the graphic novel "Gender Queer' a rating of M. This rating is only a recommendation, allowing the book to be made available in Libraries and sold in bookstores to…
ABC cops a grilling at Senate Estimates – data shows conservative attack

ABC cops a grilling at Senate Estimates – data shows conservative attack

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation receives over $1 billion a year from taxpayers. I don't believe we're getting value for money. It is just being used as a platform for the left to tear down conservatives. Let me know what you thought…
Same place, same time, different temperatures. What’s the BOM hiding?

Same place, same time, different temperatures. What’s the BOM hiding?

The Bureau of Meteorology has been in the process of replacing mercury temperature probes with digital probes at weather stations across the country. After a long Freedom of Information process, we now have field logs from the Brisbane Airport…
The QLD Government made it illegal to build a port they don’t own

The QLD Government made it illegal to build a port they don’t own

, The Queensland Government owns most of the major ports up and down the Queensland coast. Just when a private company was planning on building cheap ports throughout Queensland, the Queensland Government effectively…
Clean Energy Finance Corporation defends rubbish returns on wind and solar

CASA doesn’t think there’s a problem because a plane hasn’t crashed … yet.

Many of you have watched my previous sessions with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority as I question them on how much risk mandates introduced into the cockpit. I was shocked to find out in a question on notice (they actually do come back…
Listen to this if you’ve been affected by a wind, solar or power line project

Listen to this if you’ve been affected by a wind, solar or power line project

, The Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner has a sole focus on receiving complaints about wind, solar, pumped hydro, battery and power line projects among others. If you have been affected by a project…
ARENA hands out .15 billion in subsidies to supposedly “cheap” renewables

ARENA hands out $2.15 billion in subsidies to supposedly “cheap” renewables

, , We constantly hear that "renewables" are the cheapest and the best way to go. If that's the case, why does the Australian Renewable Energy Agency need to commit $2.15 billion in subsidies, grants and loans to prop…
Will the Australian Energy Regulator sacrifice price or reliability to reduce emissions?

Will the Australian Energy Regulator sacrifice price or reliability to reduce emissions?

, Currently, the government agencies that run our electricity grid are meant to balance 5 objectives: price, quality, safety, reliability and security of supply. The Government wants to add emissions reduction to…
The market is not abandoning coal, the government is forcing the market to abandon coal

The market is not abandoning coal, the government is forcing the market to abandon coal

, Australians are constantly told that banks, electricity markets and buyers are all turning away from coal and gas because it's too expensive or the buyers just don't like it anymore. It's bullshit.It is the Government…
Clean Energy Finance Corporation defends rubbish returns on wind and solar

Clean Energy Finance Corporation defends rubbish returns on wind and solar

The ASX200 is the Australian benchmark for investment returns, if you're not matching it many people will ask why you even bothered. The Clean Energy Finance Corporation "invests" your taxes into pipe dream "renewable" projects. We're told…