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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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1984: The Department of Home Affairs COVID Censorship team

1984: The Department of Home Affairs COVID Censorship team

I asked Home Affairs why they've asked social media to censor more than 4,000 posts related to COVID. We must protect people from being labelled or categorized based on their beliefs, and Home Affairs has no place policing COVID given the amount…

Event: Rockhampton – Join me on the March for Life.

When: Saturday | 27 May 2023 | 1:30pm - 3:30pm Where: Rockhampton Riverside PrecinctAmphitheatre Quay StreetRockhampton Contact: Office of Senator Malcolm Roberts | | (07) 3221 9099

Event: Rockhampton – Tackling the Crime Crisis

Numbers are crucial, so please RSVP here at: Queensland is experiencing a surge in violent youth crime, causing tensions to escalate among concerned households. Frustrated with the lack of action,…

NDIS needs a hell of a good look at Like Gonski, like the NBN, the NDIS was nothing more than a vote catcher. Now, its costs have blown out even more, costing taxpayers $700 to $800 million just to try and figure out why it is costing so…

Join me this Saturday at Parkwood Village to talk about fixing the Housing, Rental and Congestion Crisis.

See you there! When: Saturday, 20 May 2023 | 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Where: The Club - Parkwood Village.76 / 122 Napper Road,Parkwood, QLD, 4214.AustraliaGoogle map and directions Contact: Office of Senator Malcolm Roberts · ·…

The inquiry into Bank Closures in regional Queensland has kicked off this morning in Cloncurry.

Previously, Westpac abruptly announced their plans to close the branch that deals with millions of dollars in agribusiness and mining contractors, with no consultation.When this inquiry announced we would be coming to Cloncurry…
Albanese Government Housing Bill is a Sham

Albanese Government Housing Bill is a Sham What is Albanese’s solution to the housing crisis? He won’t slow down the 400,000 new immigrants arriving this year. He won’t stop foreign investors snapping up property. He won’t stop short term rentals.Instead,…
There are Jail cells underneath Parliament House, let’s use them

There are Jail cells underneath Parliament House, let’s use them I've got a suggestion, if Labor wants to keep disobeying direct orders of the Senate we can show them why there are jail cells underneath Parliament House. Transcript I like Senator Farrell. He's a good bloke.…
Labor wants to kill the industries that just saved their budget

Labor wants to kill the industries that just saved their budget Without mining and agriculture our country would be toast. Yet Treasurer Jim Chalmers couldn't bring himself to mention them once in his budget speech. I guess 'coal' and 'iron ore' are scary words to him. Transcript What…