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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Cancel HECS debt for students cancelled by Vaccine Mandates

Cancel HECS debt for students cancelled by Vaccine Mandates Halfway through long and expensive degrees, universities implemented vaccine mandates on students. Those students who stuck to their principles and didn't take the vaccine had to quit their degree yet still carry…
Why we need a COVID Royal Commission Now

Why we need a COVID Royal Commission Now When predatory billionaires and their trillion-dollar investment funds murder a beautiful, vibrant 21-year-old Australian in their unquenchable thirst for profit, it shows corporate ownership and influence have…
Is the UN trying to groom our kids?

Is the UN trying to groom our kids? Exposing underage children to sexually explicit material is grooming. Why is the United Nations saying nine year olds should be taught about about masturbation and view pornography? My article in the Spectator…

Inquiry into the COVID Vaccine Discrimination Bill

I travelled to Canberra to attend a hearing into Bills that would make discrimination on the basis of vaccination status illegal. This would immediately end any of the mandates that are still in place. Let me know what you thought of the e…

Former Snowy 2.0 Boss slams Bowen’s Wind and Solar plan: “Bull***t”

Former Snowy 2.0 boss Paul Broad has just SLAMMED Bowen's 'transition to renewables', calling it 'bull***t'. "The notion that you can have 80% renewable in our system by 2030 is, to use the vernacular, bull***t. The truth is, this transition,…
My 1 hour speech to a town hall on COVID mismanagement

My 1 hour speech to a town hall on COVID mismanagement

, , We are winning. The truth always wins in the long run. My address to a community event last week at Mudjimba on the Sunshine Coast. Transcript Thank you. Thank you so much for the welcome. My first…

The Political Ponzi Scheme: Mass Immigration A Ponzi scheme is a scam that can only continue as long as new victims sign up. Eventually, the scam falls down under its own weight. The major parties’ “Big Immigration” plan for Australia…

Why are we letting China use our coal?

, China uses Australian coal to make cheap power and products which we then buy back off them, even subsidising them in the case of wind turbines and solar panels. This madness has to stop.

What’s the “genius” plan to replace the 1200MW Liddell? A 500MW battery, lunacy.