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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Big consulting companies are draining taxpayer funds for nothing

Big consulting companies are draining taxpayer funds for nothing The Government spends millions of dollars every year on consulting companies that overcharge to give the Government an opinion they want to hear. Last week in the Senate I supported a motion creating an inquiry…
SVB Collapse, Credit Suisse, Australian Bank bail-IN?

SVB Collapse, Credit Suisse, Australian Bank bail-IN? After the SVB and Credit Suisse crisis a bail-in, which is where the banks take their depositors' money to save themselves in a collapse, is still possible in Australia.I call on the government to categorically…
Treasurer’s “Jimbonomics” Australia’s road to ruin

Treasurer’s “Jimbonomics” Australia’s road to ruin Treasurer Jim Chalmers, with no real-world business experience, no firsthand knowledge of free markets and no life outside the machine of politics has decided to tear down Australia's economic system and rebuild…
Iraq invasion was based on WMD lies

Iraq invasion was based on WMD lies 20 years ago Australia joined the USA in an illegal invasion of Iraq.We were told Saddam Hussein had yellow cake and weapons of mass destruction, this was an outright lie. Transcript I commend the Greens…
The Wuhan “Conspiracy Theory” – Not a conspiracy any more

The Wuhan “Conspiracy Theory” – Not a conspiracy any more During the COVID response I was temporarily banned from social media for pointing out that COVID could have emerged from the Wuhan lab.This fact is now widely acknowledged, even by the former directer of the US…

400,000 immigrants driving Rental Crisis

Westpac estimates 400,000 immigrants arrived last year under the Albanese Government, driving our rental crisis and putting Australians on the street. Full Story:…
World Health Organisation is rotting from the head

World Health Organisation is rotting from the head Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because…
The BigPharma War: Patents vs. Patients

The BigPharma War: Patents vs. Patients Is Australia’s COVID response about patients or patents? Did Health bureaucrats make a deliberate decision to wave through new, untested and dangerous vaccines to give pharma companies expanded, patent-protected…
Aboriginals aren’t victims, stop trying to be white saviour lefties

Aboriginals aren’t victims, stop trying to be white saviour lefties The current government is proposing the Voice to instil and make racism systemic, separating and dividing.It follows and perpetuates a disgraceful legacy of paternalism and victimhood which harms all members of…

EVENT: Join me at Widgee 17 March

Join me at Widgee Bushman's Bar, 5pm on 17 March for the rally against Labor's renewable madness sending unnecessary high voltage power lines through agricultural land.