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Greedy Banks abandon the bush

Greedy Banks abandon the bush The greedy major banks have closed more than 70 branches in rural, regional and remote Australia in just 42 days. The banks are looked after by the Australian government extremely well, so they have a responsibility…
Bills go up ,150 a month under Labor

Bills go up $1,150 a month under Labor No you're not going crazy, life is getting far too expensive.It's not going to get any better. Albanese is pouring fuel on the fire, putting more of your taxes into green projects that will make your electricity…
AHPRA forces Doctors to break informed consent

AHPRA forces Doctors to break informed consent Doctors across Australia have told us that they’re being intimidated into complying with the so-called government health advice - even against their own judgement. Isn’t that bullying, and more over,…
How much is getting invented for .5 billion?

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Huge Immigration numbers causing rental crisis

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Pelvic mesh victims held to ransom by Labor

In a new low for Labor, Health Minister Mark Butler has sneakily attached an amendment to a bill which was designed to support pelvic mesh victims following a 2022 class action. If successful, the additional measure gives the government…
TGA admits they didn’t analyse the patient data!

TGA admits they didn’t analyse the patient data!

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Why is the FWO taking so long to confirm a casual miners employer?

Why is the FWO taking so long to confirm a casual miners employer? For more than three years now I have been trying to seek justice for casual coal miners who have been robbed of their entitlements.In this session the Fair Work Ombudsman reveals the vital tool for identifying…
Prime Minister hides embarrassing Voice answer from official transcript

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CSIRO manipulate assumptions to make wind and solar look cheap

CSIRO manipulate assumptions to make wind and solar look cheap Politicians often point to a CSIRO document called GenCost22 that claims wind and solar are the cheapest forms of energy. In reality however, their model has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.