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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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The Malcolm Roberts Show #1 – Climate Scientist Tony Heller

The Malcolm Roberts Show #1 – Climate Scientist Tony Heller

, Join me with world renowned climate realist Tony Heller as we go through the actual data on temperature and climate.
World Health Organisation’s Dictator style power grab

World Health Organisation’s Dictator style power grab

, The World Health Organisation's pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation amendments are a threat to Australia's sovereignty. Similar amendments were defeated before but we must defeat them again. Transcript There’s…
Lidia Thorpe division shows The Voice is completely flawed

Lidia Thorpe division shows The Voice is completely flawed The idea that one Voice can speak for every indigenous and Australian is flawed and fundamentally racist. The Voice will just be more well paid bureaucrats in Canberra that will do little to help Australians…
Another step towards Climate Tyranny

Another step towards Climate Tyranny The Climate Change scam is all about getting more control, it's that simple. Labor's carbon dioxide credit expansion is just another step towards Climate Tyranny. Transcript Here it comes, the carbon…
Where is the Fact Check on Murray Watt’s claims that severe weather is increasing because of Climate Change? 

Where is the Fact Check on Murray Watt’s claims that severe weather is increasing because of Climate Change? 

Statistical data analysis shows that worldwide weather events are not an increasing "crisis". The reverse is true: there is almost no significant trend in severe weather events and deaths from them are at a record low. Yet Emergency…
Fair Work and Coal LSL at Senate Estimates

Fair Work and Coal LSL at Senate Estimates

The Industrial Relations system in this country is a mess. One Nation is committed to untangling the web of over-regulation. The Fair Work Ombudsman The Fair Work Commission…

Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps drops bombshell on Vaccines

This isn't someone you would expect to see speaking out about these issues. The narrative continues to crumble and even the most left are being forced to acknowledge reality. Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife…
Labor rams through communist style control over the gas industry

Labor rams through communist style control over the gas industry

, , In an abuse of Parliamentary process and at great expense to the taxpayer, Anthony Albanese has called everyone back to Canberra for one day to pass his thought bubble that will not bring electricity prices down.While…
Globalist bug plans hidden in government livestock agenda

Globalist bug plans hidden in government livestock agenda Meat and Livestock Australia is meant to fight for cattle producers in Australia, making sure there's plenty of cheap red meat available for Australians and the world. Instead, they are "aligning" themselves…
New Zealand Authorities Legally “Kidnap” A Child

New Zealand Authorities Legally “Kidnap” A Child Warning: Distressing Content. New Zealand authorities have lawfully ‘kidnapped’ a child from his parents to forcibly perform a medical treatment on him when there was an equally valid treatment available…