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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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The Narrative continues to fall apart – TGA at Senate Estimates

The Narrative continues to fall apart – TGA at Senate Estimates

With each new day we find more evidence of conflicts of interest, lies from the supposed "experts" and none of these bureaucrats want to acknowledge it. We need a Royal Commission to bring their lies out into the daylight. Transcript…
Rishi Sunak shows his true WEF colours

Rishi Sunak shows his true WEF colours Just months after the globalists got tired of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss, new Prime Minister of England Rishi Sunak has shown his true colours. He has abandoned election promises and is instead implementing…
The video that got me BANNED from LinkedIn

The video that got me BANNED from LinkedIn

It's been nearly three months since the platform LinkedIn inexplicably banned me for sharing this video. Big tech censorship is getting out of control. Just imagine the consequences when getting labelled with "wrongthink" is combined with the…
Vaccine Anti-Discrimination Amendment moved on IR Bill

Vaccine Anti-Discrimination Amendment moved on Industrial Relations Bill

, Vaccine mandates are still in effect across the private sector even though we know they do not stop transmission.While Labor's Industrial Relations Bill is a rushed dog's breakfast, I'm hoping to give it some redemption…
Labor ignores One Nation’s Industrial Relations Fix

Labor ignores One Nation’s Industrial Relations Fix

, For many years I have been pointing out the exploitation of casual workers who are paid less than workers doing the same job next to them. Despite Labor's promises, they have failed to do anything to fix this…
Rushed Industrial Relations Reforms risk wrecking workplaces

Rushed Industrial Relations Reforms risk wrecking workplaces

, Labor's Industrial Relations reforms have been rushed through the Parliament. The entire crossbench had previously agreed to hold off on passing the changes until the 273 page bill filled with technical changes…
High Speed rail isn’t practical for Australia

High Speed rail isn’t practical for Australia

, High Speed Rail! It's a great slogan for politicians in election campaigns, but it just doesn't work for Australia. Our cities are too small, the distances too long and geography too complex to build it…
Wrap up of the National Anti Corruption Commission

Wrap up of the National Anti Corruption Commission The National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) has passed Parliament and will be established next year. So what's covered by the NACC and what is One Nation's view on these issues? I spoke on this in Parliament…
Liberal/Labor running a protection racket for the banks

Liberal/Labor running a protection racket for the banks Another party is in Government but it's still the same old protection racket being run for the banks.Whether it's bail-in, regional branch closures or restricting cash, Anthony Albanese's Labor Government is continuing…
Lowering the voting age, it’s a trap

Lowering the voting age, it’s a trap If you know a 16 or 17 year old send this video to them.To you, 16/17 year old, don't worry about protesting the end of the world. Focus on having fun, hanging out with your friends and getting your P plates.We…