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Will sportspeople stop going woke yet?

Will sportspeople stop going woke yet? It feels like everywhere you turn politics is mixing with sports. Is it too much to ask that sports celebrities be good at the game they are playing? When you get down into the details of their grandstanding…
Net-Zero means strip mining the sea floor for rare earths

Net-Zero means strip mining the sea floor for rare earths

, The Earth simply doesn't have enough of the rare earth materials used in batteries and net-zero products to reach net-zero.That's even when you take into account the materials gained from strip mining the ocean…
Russia-Ukraine can’t be blamed for two decades of increasing power prices

Russia-Ukraine can’t be blamed for two decades of increasing power prices

, Today, after Pauline Hanson pointed out that power prices have risen 300% in two decades, the government tried to blame it all on Russia and Ukraine. That doesn't explain why power prices have gone up in…
Electric Vehicles fall flat for Aussie lifestyle

Electric Vehicles fall flat for Aussie lifestyle

, Labor's much-hyped goal of net zero and electric vehicles for 2050 will run out of charge between 2025 and 2030, when lithium supplies are predicted to dry up. No-one is looking at the harm these electric…
Education, not indoctrination

Education, not indoctrination Our children need to be armed with the critical thinking skills for a changing world. There's no place for single-minded ideology in our curriculum. All viewpoints must be presented to students in a balanced…
Albanese pouring fuel on the cost of living fire

Albanese pouring fuel on the cost of living fire

, , The cost of everything is going up, but the Albanese Labor government is pouring more fuel on the fire by tipping billions into policies that will make electricity prices even higher. With more wind and solar…
Climate talk-fest not coming to Australia is a win!

Climate talk-fest not coming to Australia is a win!

, If Climate Change talk-fest COP doesn’t want to come to Australia that’s their loss. We’ll keep our abundant protein-rich red meat, delicious range of seafood, cheap and reliable coal-fired power, huge…
Wind turbines are environmental vandals

Wind turbines are environmental vandals

, , I remember when greenies hugged trees. Now greenies chop down trees and hug manufactured wind turbines made of concrete, steel, fibreglass and gearbox oil. 40 million tonnes of wind turbine blades destined…
Free Trade Agreements Destroy Australian Wealth

Free Trade Agreements Destroy Australian Wealth

, Free Trade Agreements are a race to the bottom. A race to the lowest wages, the lowest taxation, the least corporate regulation and the most efficient enterprise. Efficiency is a code word for large corporations…
The Great Resist

The Great Resist

, While crooked Klaus Schwab wants the Great Reset, I'm promising to take up the Great Resist. We will resist the infiltration of our Parliament by globalist pawns. We will resist the destruction of the family.…