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What’s causing a 67% reduction in Australian birth rates?

What’s causing a 67% reduction in Australian birth rates?

, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures show a shocking 67% reduction in the monthly birth rates from between July and December 2021. The Government claims I've got my facts wrong but the data is published…
Are weather events more severe because of climate change?

Regional Queensland Ripped off by the South

, Record mining and agriculture booms from Central Queensland prop up government budgets in Brisbane and Canberra. Yet those same governments rip critical infrastructure funding for dams, roads and power stations…
Coal miners still being dudded out of entitlements

Coal miners still being dudded out of entitlements For three years I have been raising the issue of casual coal miners being fraudulently dudded out of Long Service Leave entitlements. Finally, I was able to secure an audit…
Fire Ant eradication failure costing hundreds of millions

Fire Ant eradication failure costing hundreds of millions I had a simple question for our bio-security officials, are they winning in their war against fire ants in south Queensland? The answer I get from people on the ground is definitely not. There's a lot of…
Labor breaking promises to coal miners, again

Labor breaking promises to coal miners, again Labor paraded around coal towns during the election promising coal miners a "just transition" and replacement jobs because of the transition to net-zero. Just a few months into their government, BHP has announced…
17,000 Bee Hives Destroyed by Government

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Government uses data breaches to push Digital Identity

Government uses data breaches to push Digital Identity Have you noticed more and more data breaches lately? Some in the Government are using this as a reason to centralise everything into one Digital Identity. As the long list I read out proves, nothing is unhackable.…
Was the election audited as required?

Was the election audited as required? Before the election a change was made requiring the Australian Signals Directorate to audit the AEC voting systems ensuring they were secure and fit for purpose. I was hoping for a very quick answer at Senate…
What is the AEC doing?

What is the AEC doing? After every election the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) meets to review the election – what went well, what went badly, and most importantly how to improve the election experience and…
Are weather events more severe because of climate change?

Are weather events more severe because of climate change?

, Every time there's a drought, flood or cold day you'll hear climate alarmists claim it's all because of climate change. Well this study says there is no positive trend in the severity or frequency of natural…