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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Demonisation of beef doesn’t have a leg to stand on

Demonisation of beef doesn’t have a leg to stand on Government wants to cut red meat production so you'll have to "eat zee bugs". Like lots of globalist claims however, demonizing red meat falls over as soon as you look at the facts. Why on earth does the…
The Data on COVID Emerges – And history will show this Parliament is full of cowards

The Data on COVID Emerges – And history will show this Parliament is full of cowards

, I have no doubt that, as the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this Parliament as cowards for failing to stand up against the COVID B.S. Read the study, COVID-19 vaccines - An Australian…
Malcolm Roberts’ review of Labor’s first budget

Malcolm Roberts’ review of Labor’s first budget

, This budget will jack up power prices, keep inflation roaring to new heights and do nothing to help you from day to day. I joined Sky News the night it was delivered to talk about my initial reaction. Transcript Welcome…

Join me at Post Office Square this Saturday

I'll be at Post Office Square, Brisbane from 12 noon Saturday 29th October to participate against the protest against ongoing vaccine mandates. See you there!

Media Release: Hells Gates Dam Business Case To Be Revealed After One Nation Motion

The Senate has voted in favour of a Malcolm Roberts motion this afternoon calling on the government to release a business case prepared for the Government by Townsville Enterprise Development Centre. Senator Roberts said: “One Nation has…
Israel Capital – Just a political decision?

Israel Capital – Just a political decision? The Albanese Government's decision to overturn recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel doesn't make sense. It appears to be a political decision to appease the radical Labor left. Transcript One…
Uranium – Better for Nuclear power than Nuclear weapons

Uranium – Better for Nuclear power than Nuclear weapons Getting rid of Nuclear Weapons is a laudable goal, but I don't expect the United Nations to have any success given they've failed at just about everything else worth doing. Transcript Ridding the world…
Left turns on Lidia Thorpe for opposing the voice

Left turns on Lidia Thorpe for opposing the voice Lidia Thorpe has a pattern of disrespect for the Senate, the Australian people and Australia itself. She must be accountable for those decisions. Yet, the only choice that bothered the left was her opposition…
We are in unconscionable levels of debt – Alan Jones and Malcolm Roberts on ADH TV

We are in unconscionable levels of debt – Alan Jones and Malcolm Roberts on ADH TV

, Australia's trillion dollar debt is eye-watering. But here's the government wasting money on ridiculous grants and schemes. We have to turn this boat around. Transcript Alan Jones: We've heard endless…
Letter to Anthony Albanese – Not “Safe and Effective”

Letter to Anthony Albanese – Not “Safe and Effective”

Dear Prime Minister One of my constituents, Dr Phillip Altman, has approached me with concerning information about the gene-based COVID vaccination rollout. On 10 September 2022 he delivered a presentation in Melbourne to the Australian…