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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Labor tries to take credit for One Nation policy

Labor Senator Tony Sheldon has attempted to take credit for policy which One Nation is actively pushing through the Parliament while Labor lets their version lapse. Tweet from Tony Sheldon One Nation's Equal Pay for Equal Work Bill is…

Questioning the Australian Government over Ivermectin

, The Government is currently reviewing its ban on the use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19, but the results will come far too late for something that should have never been banned in the first…

In support of a People’s Bank in Australia The Big 4 banks have been ripping Australians off for decades. Taking all the profits, they're leaving regional communities in the dust, closing branches and strangling small business…
Phillip Altman on the Malcolm Roberts Show – TNT Radio

Phillip Altman on the Malcolm Roberts Show – TNT Radio

Phillip Altman joins me on TNT radio for a special 2 hours on the Time of COVID. This man is described as having the best court affidavits in the country. They're objective, they're factual. They're not based on opinions. They're…
COVID Royal Commission Draft Terms of Reference Release

COVID Royal Commission Draft Terms of Reference Release

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is giving the Australian people a say about a Royal Commission into the management of the COVID-19 pandemic by Australian governments. While the Prime Minister may be prepared to wait and kick this can down…
Response to Cairns News story on Cane Growers

Response to Cairns News story on Cane Growers

UPDATE: Cairns News has now taken down this story. The Office of Senator Roberts appreciates Cairns News' commitment to accuracy and commends them for their assistance in correcting this confusion. We look forward to working with Cairns News…
QLD Government fishing ban based on dodgy science

QLD Government fishing ban based on dodgy science

The Queensland Government has announced a catastrophic 80% reduction in commercial Spanish Mackerel quotas in addition to six weeks of closed season. This devastating blow to both recreational and commercial fishers is based on rubbish science…
Evidence on Cloud Seeding required for questions to be asked

Evidence on Cloud Seeding required for questions to be asked

A number of constituents have raised concerns with me about weather manipulation, also referred to as cloud seeding and rain seeding. Cloud-seeding is a weather-modification practice used to artificially create or promote additional rain/snow…
Christine Dolan on Medical Trafficking – TNT Radio

Christine Dolan on Medical Trafficking – TNT Radio

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Christine Dolan helped hunt down exploitation in the Catholic Church and has now been on the case of vaccine rollouts across the world. She has a wealth of knowledge and it was an honour to be able to scrape the surface of it. Transcript Announcer: This…

George Christensen on the Globalist Agenda – TNT Radio

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George Christensen joins me on the Malcolm Roberts show for TNT Radio to talk about his upbringing, crony capitalism and how to stop the globalist march through our country. Transcript Announcer 1: You're with Senator Malcolm Roberts…