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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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So it’s come to this – Globalist push on Climate Change

So it’s come to this – Globalist push on Climate Change

, I always speak up for what is right. Again today I will speak up for what is right. The Climate Change Bill 2022 seeks to exploit fear based on fraudulent science to enshrine in legislation the subjugation…
Is birth and death data being hidden?

Is birth and death data being hidden?

, Data on births and deaths is 2 years and 9 months overdue. It should be delayed 6 weeks at the latest. How can we assess the impact of health policy without this vital data? Transcript Yesterday, in questions…

Government ignores shocking adverse event study

, A peer-reviewed study has analysed Pfizer and Moderna's own trial data and found significant risks of adverse events from its vaccine. This study finds the risk of a serious adverse event…
Media Release: Senate establishes inquiry into nation building Project Iron Boomerang

Media Release: Senate establishes inquiry into nation building Project Iron Boomerang

The Senate has passed a One Nation motion establishing an inquiry into Project Iron Boomerang, an ambitious nation building proposal to link Queensland’s coal and Western Australia’s iron ore fields by rail line. Despite having the world’s…
Labor’s Job Summit scores as a big flop

Labor’s Job Summit scores as a big flop

, The Jobs Summit last week was a wasted opportunity. A key decision from the Albanese government was to increase the immigration cap to 195,000 new immigrants a year. When there aren't enough jobs for Australians…

One Nation to call for inquiry into Project Iron Boomerang

One Nation calls for an Inquiry into Project Iron Boomerang. One Nation has submitted a motion to be voted on by the Senate today Monday to hold an inquiry into Project Iron Boomerang (PIB). This visionary project will secure Australia’s…
Alan Jones on the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab

Alan Jones on the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab Alan Jones hits the nail on the head when it comes to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. From ADH TV. If you don't have their app already you are missing out.

Letter to Dan Repacholi and Tony Burke Industrial Relations Minister – Stand up for workers

This letter was sent on 27 July 2022. As of 31 August no reply has been received. Dear Mr Repacholi Congratulations on your election to the Australian House of Representatives. You have been elected to represent the people and workers…


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Senator Roberts calls on the Senate to reject the Climate Change Bills 2022 due to the complete lack of cost-benefit analysis. He says, “Carbon dioxide emissions reduction is the biggest change to Australian lives Parliament has ever considered.” “Despite…
The Climate Change Bill and the Climate Fraud on the Primodcast

The Climate Change Bill and the Climate Fraud on the Primodcast

I chat with Chris Spicer from the Primodcast for a deep dive on Climate Change hysteria and why the upcoming Climate Change Bill is going to be terrible for our country. Transcript Speaker 2: Ladies and gentlemen, podcasting from…