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What is Bracket Creep?

What is Bracket Creep?

As inflation rages on, the Government is making money out of it through "Bracket Creep" - collecting more taxes. I moved an amendment to a bill so that tax thresholds are indexed to inflation, meaning you won't pay more tax because of inflation.…

Inquiry to Probe Outgoing Defence Chief’s Medal

A powerful Senate Inquiry established into the Defence medals system has opened for submissions.  The inquiry initiated by my motion will investigate potentially illegal medals awarded to senior Defence officers, the experiences of…
Exposed: 48 Million Reasons to Screw Over Workers

Exposed: 48 Million Reasons to Screw Over Workers

Some people ask why the union would screw over workers like they have with casual coal miners. One explanation could be the $48 million in payments flowing from the labour hire company to the union. During this Senate Estimate session,…
Peter Dutton’s Unsettling Stance: Is Free Speech Under Threat?

Peter Dutton’s Unsettling Stance: Is Free Speech Under Threat?

Last week, Opposition Leader Dutton replied to an interviewer, calling for the public to dob in loved ones, friends, or workmates who have changed their opinion of the Government for the worse to ASIO. After facing backlash on social media,…
Can a Party Give MY Preferences to Another Party? The Myth Debunked!

Can a Party Give MY Preferences to Another Party? The Myth Debunked!

Question: Where are One Nation's preferences going this election? Answer: Wherever YOU out them! A great thread below from @actualAlexJames (X) explaining how preferences work. In short, mark One Nation 1 and then decide where you want your…
Predatory Foreign Giants Control Our Banks and Supermarkets

Predatory Foreign Giants Control Our Banks and Supermarkets

We don't have four banks and two supermarkets in this country. We have one predatory group of foreign investors hiding behind different logos. BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, First State and others own large portions of the banks and…
Aussie University SCAM: Graduates Can’t Speak English

Aussie University SCAM: Graduates Can’t Speak English

News broke earlier this week of Universities being accused of handing out degrees to foreign students who can't even pass basic English courses. Australian universities generate huge revenue from foreign students and are heavily dependent…
 Billion in COVID Vaccines 💉

$18 Billion in COVID Vaccines 💉

In a recent senate estimate session, I raised questions about the massive purchase of 267 million COVID-19 vaccine doses for Australia’s 27 million population. Despite only using a fraction of these doses, concerns remain about transparency…
Stagnant Wages, Skyrocketing Energy Costs and Record Business Failures

Stagnant Wages, Skyrocketing Energy Costs and Record Business Failures

Real wages have gone backwards, erasing a decade of pay rises since this government took office. This data is up to March, so it doesn’t reflect the current inflation rise.  So, if Australians feel they’re working harder and getting…
The Truth: Net-Zero Will NEVER Happen

The Truth: Net-Zero Will NEVER Happen

40 wind turbines every month. 22,000 solar panels every single day. 28,000 km of transmission lines and 48 gigawatt of batteries. That’s what the Net-Zero pipe dream requires. These goals will never be achieved, yet the government persists…