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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Unjabbed teachers Fined – Sky News with Rowan Dean

Unjabbed teachers Fined – Sky News with Rowan Dean The Queensland Labor Government’s decision to add an extra fine to unjabbed teachers is vindictive and cruel. It’s also about political donations and Labor taking care of their mates. The Labor-aligned…

Anthony Albanese must call a Royal Commission into the Government’s pandemic response

Anthony Albanese must immediately call a Royal Commission into the entire Government response to COVID, not just a weak inquiry limited to some very specific actions of Scott Morrison. Royal Commissions have been called for far less than…

Submission to the Climate Change Bill Inquiry

As elected members of parliament we have a shared solemn duty to behave with integrity. This embraces our duty to ensure legislation and policies are solidly based on accurate and objective data so that the consequences on our constituents and nation are safe, affordable, reasonable and fair. Yet Attachment 1 shows there has never been, and there remains no, factual scientific basis presented in parliament for legislation cutting or limiting the production of carbon dioxide from human activity. Parliament has never debated the climate science.

Parental Alienation and false allegations in family law – Paul Withall and Amanda Sillers

Paul Withall and Senator Roberts Amanda Sillers and Senator Roberts On this episode I talk to Paul Withall and Amanda Sillers about parental alienation, male suicide and family law. Paul is the Founder of Zero Suicide a not-for-profit…

Parental Alienation and false allegations in family law – Cody Beck, Leisa Young and Rick Young

Rick, Leisa Young and Senator Roberts Cody Beck and Senator Roberts On this episode I talk to Cody Beck, Leisa Young and Rick Young about parental alienation. Cody has worked extensively advocating for fathers within the system,…
Law firm releases bombshell legal opinion on alleged illegal control of Doctor’s conduct

Law firm releases bombshell legal opinion on alleged illegal control of Doctor’s conduct

A new legal opinion published by Julian Gillespie LLB, BJuris and Peter Fam LLB casts doubt over the legal basis of AHPRA's 9 March 2021 "gag order". The opinion is accompanied by the following cover letter (click here to skip to the full opinion): This…

The COVID Inquiry 2.0

The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia's…
One Nation wants the “Great Resist”

One Nation wants the “Great Resist” Politicians need to work together for our country instead of pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan comes with the tagline,…

Digital ID and the Climate Scam with Maria Zeee

, , , Skip to 30m30s for Senator Roberts' interview I joined Maria Zeee for an important conversation about the Digital Identity Bill and how it is feeding into more control for the globalists.…

Julian Assange Update

Senator Malcolm Roberts met with Julian’s father, Mr John Shipton, and his brother, Mr Gabriel Shipton in Parliament at the last sitting. They met in Parliament at a meeting attended by Members of the House and Senators with their staff…