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The Malcolm Roberts Show with Ian Plimer – The reef isn’t dead!

The Malcolm Roberts Show with Ian Plimer – The reef isn’t dead!

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This week I talk to Ian Plimer for a full two hours and dive even deeper into the global warming fraud. Transcript part 1 (click here to go to part 2) Speaker 1: This is the Malcolm Roberts Show. Speaker 2: On Today's…
The cost of living keeps getting worse

The cost of living keeps getting worse

, Feel like the grocery and fuel bill has gone up? Working just as hard and feel like you're going backwards? It's because you are. The major parties are the cause. Transcript As a servant to the people…
Minister Watt continues to duck and weave on Foot and Mouth Disease

Minister Watt continues to duck and weave on Foot and Mouth Disease The PM has made a mistake in giving the Agriculture ministry to an accountant and lawyer from the Gold Coast. Even so, the country still needs to be ready for the worst. Our agriculture and economy depends…
The Great Barrier Reef is not dying!

The Great Barrier Reef is not dying!

, Climate alarmists have continually claimed that the Great Barrier Reef is dying because of Climate Change. Unfortunately for them, record coral cover and growth over the last two years is shooting a hole in…
Forestry is the real renewable industry

Forestry is the real renewable industry Sustainable, regenerative forestry is the true renewable resource in Australia. It is ironic that the Greens try to ban timber from Parliament House which is covered in beautiful, durable hardwoods. Transcript Our…
Minister to front up and explain potentially misleading the Senate – Foot and Mouth Disease

Minister to front up and explain potentially misleading the Senate – Foot and Mouth Disease If Foot and Mouth disease enters Australia it will cost the industry an estimated $80 billion. Minister Watt's response to foot-and-mouth disease has been half-baked and dangerous. Transcript I move: That—(a)…
Band-aids aren’t going to help Small Business

Band-aids aren’t going to help Small Business

, I spoke this week on the Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Self-Employment Programs and Other Measures) Bill 2022. Bills like this are only bandaids. The only way to really support small…
Moderna approval for 6 month to 5 year olds disgraceful abandonment of precautionary principle

ATAGI Moderna recommendation for 6 month to 5 year olds disgraceful abandonment of precautionary principle

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended the Moderna jab for children aged 6 months to 5 years.[1] The vaccine only holds provisional approval. Provisional approval is given to drugs where research is…

Minister forced to explain potentially misleading Senate about Foot and Mouth disease

The Senate this morning has voted in favour of my motion requiring Senator Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to explain how he hasn't misled the Senate in answers regarding foot and mouth disease. The Minister…
Medical Transitioning of minors is child abuse

Medical Transitioning of minors is child abuse Medically transitioning children is experimental. Long term benefits are not clear and detriments are mounting. Our children are not fodder for experimentation and advancing research outcomes for the medical…