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A united country is evil’s worst nightmare

A united country is evil’s worst nightmare Together we can achieve prosperity and peace. The globalists, the warmongers and the evil doers among us only seek to divide Australians. A united, caring country is their worst fear. Transcript I often…

Anthony Albanese abandons cheaper power bills because he knows net-zero will make them expensive

In the election campaign Anthony Albanese promised Australians he would cut power bills by $275 a year. Not only did he say he hoped to do that, he said he knew it would happen. Now he's walking away from his election promise. Feelings will…
PM abandons promise to cut power bills by 5

PM abandons promise to cut power bills by $275

, While PM Albanese wants electricity-grid wrecking net-zero, he will never be able to deliver his promised $275 cheaper power bills. That's why he has had to walk away from his first election promise already. Transcript As…
Federal ICAC must investigate all corruption

Federal ICAC must investigate all corruption I once said that this parliament is a crime scene and our new government doesn't look any better. Both major parties are rife with undeclared conflicts of interest and cronyism. A Federal ICAC must be able…

Major parties team up to vote down Aged Care Amendment

Last night the major parties teamed up to vote down my amendment to the Royal Commission Response Bill which would have ensured at least one registered nurse is on duty at an aged care facility 24/7 by February instead of July. The entire…
Labor Government abandons children, languishes investigating medical transitioning of minors

Labor Government abandons children, languishes investigating medical transitioning of minors Australian gender clinics are under fresh scrutiny and face calls for an independent review of their prescription of puberty blockers to teenagers after British clinic Tavistock was closed down over safety…
Treating Australians differently on the basis of race is racist: The UN declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

Treating Australians differently on the basis of race is racist: The UN declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

, Treating Australians differently on the basis of race is racist. Australian's should have equality of opportunity no matter what their skin colour is. This is my statement on the United Nations Declaration…
Snowy Hydro 2.0 – The whitest white elephant in Australia

Letter to Minister Murray Watt: Potentially misleading the Senate on Foot and Mouth

The Hon. Murray Watt Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry MG 61 Australian Parliament House Dear Minister Minister I am writing to ask you to reconsider answers given during question time on Wednesday July 27th and…

First week of Parliament update with Joel from Turning Point Australia Great to chat to Turning Point Australia about the return to Parliament, with the Government already up to dirty tricks. Parliament Resumes: LABOR already playing…
Snowy Hydro 2.0 – The whitest white elephant in Australia

Snowy Hydro 2.0 – The whitest white elephant in Australia

, , Despite promises of being one of the world's largest batteries for only $2 billion dollars, Snowy 2.0 is shaping up to cost over $10 billion and only supply a fraction of promised capacity. Transcript As…