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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Peta Credlin on the floods Peta Credlin nails the lies from Premier and PM that the latest floods are because we don't have enough wind and solar. People who have lost everything, some of them three…
Wind and Solar subsidies have to be ditched

Wind and Solar subsidies have to be ditched

Australia has the largest amount of money (wasted) on intermittent renewables in our history, the most wind and solar feeding into the grid in history, and what is the result? Skyrocketing power prices and risk of blackouts! Ditch wind and…

What happened to global ‘warming?

Ever wonder why you rarely hear about 'Global Warming' anymore? They had to shift it to 'climate change' because it was too easy to see through the 'warming' lie.

Australia ill-prepared for food crisis

Who would have thought that affluence would be measured by who could afford lettuces at $20/kg, rather than Lamborghinis?  The humble zucchini is now $2 each, and meat and fuel prices are continuing to rise. Inflation will remain with…

Government study sounds alarm bells on Electric Vehicle Consequences

All Australians should be free to choose the vehicle (diesel, petrol, electric or hybrid) that suits them without additional government costs. A government funded study has sounded the alarm bells about the government's forced Electric…
A letter from a Butcher about meat prices increasing out of reach

A letter from a Butcher about meat prices increasing out of reach

This was a letter I received after I questioned Meat and Livestock Australia about how they planned to make more money out of cattle without having more cattle in Australia. It all ties into the elites plan to have the peasants eat bugs. I’m…
Birth certificate gender madness shows bureaucracy out of touch

Birth certificate gender madness shows bureaucracy out of touch

People would be allowed to change their gender every 12 months, while the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’ would be optional, under a proposed radical shake-up of birth certificates the Courier Mail reports. No amount of ideology or pontificating…

AMPS Medico Legal Summit Speech

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The Malcolm Roberts Show – Economist Alan Moran

The Malcolm Roberts Show – Energy Economist Alan Moran

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Part 1 Part 2 Alan Moran was the Director of the Deregulation Unit at the Institute of Public Affairs from 1996 until 2014.   He was previously a senior official in Australia’s Productivity Commission and Director…

Labor Government must do even more to get Australian citizen Julian Assange home than they did to keep the Bilo family in Australia

Before the election, as opposition leader, Anthony Albanese said that Assange’s incarceration had gone on long enough and he wanted him freed. Now as Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese must live up to his word and return Julian Assange to Australia. He’s…