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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Farmers always left high and dry by water allocations – MDBA Part 3

Farmers always left high and dry by water allocations – MDBA Part 3

, , , When the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) allocates water to farmers at the start of the season, they do it based on a very conservative ‘extreme dry’ scenario. This means farmers are allocated…
Menindee Lakes, SDL water acquisitions and Lock Zero – MDBA Part 1

Menindee Lakes, SDL water acquisitions and Lock Zero – MDBA Part 1

, , , The Murray Darling Basin plan has been a disaster for regional communities. Overwhelming complexity, water being flushed out to sea and bureaucrats thinking they know better than everyone else have caused enormous…
Why did the Government vote against a water trading register? MDBA Part 2

Why did the Government vote against a water trading register? MDBA Part 2

, , , Speculative water trading is a blight on our country. Even still, the Water Act 2007 specified that a transparent, public register of water trades should be established. 15 years later, we still have no public…
Services Australia burning .7 million for flash riverfront city office

Services Australia burning $90.7 million for flash riverfront city office

, Services Australia is pressing ahead with plans to move to convert 5 suburban offices into one riverfront high-rise office. The fit-out alone will cost taxpayers $89 million. After that, the leasing costs for…
What changed to make the Coalition adopt country-killing net-zero?

What changed to make the Coalition adopt country-killing net-zero?

, , Scott Morrison won the last election by bashing Bill Shorten on his climate policies, especially a net-zero emissions commitment. After getting elected for not buying into the climate nonsense, Scott Morrison…
70% of Australian COVID deaths had a pre-existing condition

70% of Australian COVID deaths had a pre-existing condition

, , Recently the Government changed its tune, but you used to be a conspiracy theorist for pointing out there was a difference between dying with COVID or from COVID. Now with the official release of Australian…

What is the Digital Identity Bill?

The ‘Trusted Digital Identity Bill 2021’ is a piece of legislation designed to act as the framework for a permanent and expansive ‘digital identity’ for all Australian citizens. ‘Digital Identity’ acts as a master ID, joining…
How many Aussie businesses are on the verge of collapse? 

How many Aussie businesses are on the verge of collapse? 

, , The amount of business tax debt that is overdue with the Australian Tax Office has skyrocketed by 14% in 12 months to $40 billion. This is a very worrying sign. A business which is struggling to keep afloat…
Are our Navy Frigates going the same way as cancelled submarines? 

Are our Navy Frigates going the same way as cancelled submarines? 

, It has been revealed that our Navy frigate program is facing big problems, with fears they will be underpowered, unable to run propulsion and radar at the same time and have serious flooding design flaws.  One…
Companies illegally back filling risk assessments to justify jab mandates 

Companies illegally back filling risk assessments to justify jab mandates 

, Workplaces jumped the gun and implemented jab mandates for employees without doing their legally obligated risk assessment. When caught out, some have tried to ‘backfill’ their risk assessment, to make…