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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Reserve Bank wants a Central Bank Digital Currency in Australia 

Reserve Bank wants a Central Bank Digital Currency in Australia 

, , , A Central Bank Digital Currency goes hand in hand with the idea of a Digital Identity. With all of your information and money stored online, central banks or governments could turn off your access to money…
One Nation introduces Equal pay for Equal work Labour hire bill

One Nation introduces Equal pay for Equal work Labour hire bill Companies have been using labour hire contracts to cut wages and benefits for workers. Our One Nation 'Fair Work Amendment (Equal Pay for Equal Work) Bill 2022' will put an end to this unfair abuse. Transcript In…

MEDIA RELEASE: No justice for injured Grosvenor coal miners is a disgrace

It is a disgrace that the QLD Workplace Health and Safety prosecutor did not charge and make accountable the Grosvenor Mine operators for the badly injured casual coal miners in the mine explosion in May 2020. Senator Roberts said, “Anglo…
Coal LSL – Caught Out

Coal LSL – Caught Out

, After an independent report vindicated One Nation and casual coal miner's accusations of unscrupulous malpractice, the pressure has been on the Coal Long Service Leave Scheme to give workers a fair go and on…
Government approach to Industrial Relations disastrous

Government approach to Industrial Relations disastrous

, Australians have had their workplaces wrecked by the Government's COVID mismanagement. Casual Coal miners have also been let down for years. I asked the Attorney General about this and more at Senate Estimates. Transcript Thank…

The Malcolm Roberts Show – Journalist Tony Thomas

I talk to journalist Tony Thomas who is interested in climate change, indoctrination in schools and universities, the ABC, and Aboriginal politics. See all episodes of my show on TNT radio. Recorded 19 February 2022 Transcript Speaker…

The Malcolm Roberts Show – Professor David Flint

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Today I talk to Emeritus Professor of Law David Flint about our broken system of democracy, the monarchy and republic fight, China, ABC, Biden and much more. Listen above or read the transcript below. See all episodes of my show on TNT…

RF frequencies at convoy to Canberra Video was sent to us of an RF meter from EPIC campgrounds at the convoy to Canberra showing spikes in frequency. When shown this, we didn’t know enough about RF…

MEDIA RELEASE: Independent auditor vindicates Senator Roberts’ call for scrutiny of coal long service leave

Casual coal miners who have highlighted the unscrupulous practices of the government corporation Coal Long Service Leave (Coal LSL), have been vindicated in a recent audit by consultants KPMG.  Senator Malcolm Roberts has championed…
Could perennial wheat be a 40% increase for graziers? Grains Research Development Corporation

Could perennial wheat be a 40% increase for graziers? Grains Research Development Corporation

, Irrigators are heading north to escape nightmare restrictions in the Murray Darling Basin. Many are coming into the beautiful black soil plains of the Flinders river in North Queensland. At the moment this…