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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Shipping Fleet Tax Incentives to Boost Australian Shipping and Crews!

Shipping Fleet Tax Incentives to Boost Australian Shipping and Crews!

The Strategic Shipping Fleet proposes tax incentives for selected shipping owners to flag vessels in Australia and employ Australian crews. The plan aims to ensure these ships remain near Australia for potential repurposing during supply crises…
Senate Motion Spurs Urgent Inquiry into Defence Awards System

Senate Motion Spurs Urgent Inquiry into Defence Awards System

I joined Peter Fegan of 4BC Radio to discuss the inquiry into the defence honours and awards system due to my motion being passed in the Senate recently. The morale within the ADF is alarmingly low, reaching a level that could severely…
Climate Bureaucrats Squirm When Questioned in Senate Estimates

Climate Bureaucrats Squirm When Questioned in Senate Estimates

Watch as these climate change bureaucrats deflect and squirm when trying to answer basic questions about what their department has been doing. This session looked at why they sold millions of barrels of oil held in the United States and…
Inquiry into CSIRO’s GenCost Models & Assumptions

Inquiry into CSIRO’s GenCost Models & Assumptions

The greatest lie told to Australians is that “wind and solar are the cheapest forms of energy”. Politicians and journalists, who should know better, are using a report of models from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research…
Politicians Go Woke, Country Goes Broke!

Politicians Go Woke, Country Goes Broke!

As the cost of living increases out of control, the number of businesses going broke (insolvency) is on the rise. Each of these insolvencies is a tragic story of people losing their jobs and facing uncertainty about whether they will have money…

How One Nation Will Make Home Ownership a Reality for You!

The housing supply and affordability crisis is upon us and debating how we arrived here won't help. One Nation’s housing policy ‘looks to the future,’ offering common-sense solutions to help more Australians purchase their own home,…
One Nation Pushes to Enshrine Freedom of Speech in the Constitution

One Nation Pushes to Enshrine Freedom of Speech in the Constitution

One Nation advocates for the enshrinement of freedom of speech as a fundamental human right in our Constitution. We are the only Australian political party actively working to integrate freedom of speech into our legal and social framework.…
Super Funds Being Used for Political Agendas and Social Engineering

Super Funds Being Used for Political Agendas and Social Engineering

I am alarmed with the direction superannuation in Australia has gone. With $3.5 trillion in super funds being influenced by unions, these funds are increasingly being used for social engineering and political purposes. Millions of dollars has…
Solar and Wind Lack Regulation on Toxic Waste

Solar and Wind Lack Regulation on Toxic Waste

The wind and solar billionaires are going to leave a trail of environmental destruction across the country. Coal mines, which are unfairly demonised, have to pay an environmental bond before they put a shovel in the ground. When the mine is…
What Australia Needs!

What Australia Needs!

While travelling through North Queensland, I held a number of events including in Mackay, Bowen and the Whitsundays. This is what I had to say to attendees on the current issues in Australia before we went into Q&A sessions. Transcript Malcolm…